
“It is still hard to believe that we will celebrate Christmas differently this year. However, even in these difficult circumstances, the holidays can be cozy! ”- said representatives of Kaunas City Municipality, announcing the campaign #KaledosKitaip. The initiators of the initiative invite to use smart apps and teach their loved ones to use them before[…]

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This year, the Christmas season will be different: there will be no Christmas towns in the central city squares and some holiday habits, such as buying gifts or parties, will move to the virtual space. However, “Kaunas – European Capital of Culture 2022” team invites citizens to maintain festive spirit, because Christmas mood will come[…]

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As the number of people infected with coronavirus increases, Kaunas mobile medical teams will now be helping to Kaunas residents who are at risk and receive treatment at home. A specially assembled brigade from Kaunas City Polyclinic will help to ensure high-quality and uninterrupted supervision of specialists. In addition, it aims to reduce the burden[…]

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Even though COVID-19 pandemic is changing everyday life, but it cannot change one of the most beautiful time of the year – Christmas. This year, the main Christmas tree in Kaunas will be lightened as always, but the festive concert will take place outside the Town Hall Square – in order to protect health of[…]

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The ensemble of Pažaislis Church and Monastery has reached the final stage of the EUFCN (European Film Commissions Network) Location Award and now is competing for the first place with four other locations in Europe – Banská Štiavnica in Slovakia, Lake Curon on the Tyrol border between Austria and Italy, Moritzburg Castle in Germany and[…]

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Taking into account the rising curve of coronavirus infection and the deteriorating epidemiological situation in the country, quarantine will be announced in Kaunas as well as in other large cities from October 28. In response, the city is strengthening preventive action and coronavirus control in educational institutions and the non-formal education sector. For the time[…]

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The construction of the first science and innovation dissemination center “Mokslo sala” (“Science Island” EN) in Lithuania was started on Thursday by symbolic burial of the capsule. The 11.5 thousand square meters museum with exclusive design will feature interactive permanent and changing expositions, a unique space of virtual projections, STEAM laboratories and cafes. The total[…]

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To commemorate the year of Sugihara in Lithuania, Sugihara Week returned to Kaunas. The festival invited visitors to learn more about Japanese culture and the history that unites Lithuania with Japan by participating in film screenings, concerts, lectures, fairs and other activities. The main accent of Sugihara Week – unveiled bronze sculpture next to Laisvės[…]

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The Minister of Transport and Communications Jaroslav Narkevič, who visited Kaunas, met with the Mayor Visvaldas Matijošaitis to discuss the most important infrastructure issues – implemented projects and planned large objects. According to the Minister, Kaunas, which has allocated a record amount of investments for city management this year with the help of the Government,[…]

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After waiting a little longer than expected, due to Covid-19 crisis affecting the whole world, the result was finally released on Tuesday 12th May. Our twin-city Grenoble has been officially shortlisted as finalist together with Dijon, Tallinn and Turin among 18 cities. Grenoble was ranked first or second for 11 of the 12 indicators evaluated[…]

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