International Kaunas


Rishon Lezion, Israel (2019) the Cooperation Agreement between the cities of Kaunas and Rishon LeZion was signed on 3 July 2019, in Kaunas City. The Parties to the Cooperation Agreement agreed to build cooperation in the area of education, between different organizations and communities, between business organizations, in the areas of healthy living environment creation and environmental protection issues. The Parties agreed to create conditions for mutual learning about the lives of the inhabitants of the two cities, for passing on messages of the cultural values of individual nations and a systematic mutual exchange of experience as a condition for the enrichment of the lives of both cities in various areas and creation of multicultural as well as tolerant environment.

Yaotsu, Japan (2019)

Twinning Agreement between Kaunas City  and Yaotsu City  was signed on February 22, 2019 in Kaunas. Cities agreed to develop the partnership in the fields of  education, culture, sport, tourism and international activities. The cities have agreed to exchange knowledge, best practices and experience, to promote better understanding, solidarity and friendship between citizens and organizations representing countries.

The Protocol of Intent between Kaunas City and San Martin City (Argentina) was signed on October 5, 2006 in Kaunas. This document foresees the cooperation in such area as education, culture, city economy and development.
Herbas Toruń
The Protocol of Intent between Kaunas City and Toruń City (Poland) was signed on February 26, 2016 in Kaunas Town Hall. This document foresees the cooperation in such area as education, culture, sports, tourism, cultural heritage and city economy and development.  The cooperation agreement was signed on February 16, 2018 in Kaunas Town Hall.
ryga Ryga
The Protocol of Intent between Kaunas City and Riga City was signed on January 25, 2013 in Kaunas. This document foresees the cooperation in such area as education, culture, sports, tourism, business, administration and city development.
myslibuz Mysliborz
Since 1996 Kaunas City has friendly relations with Mysliborz. The Letter of Intent between Kaunas and Mysliborz was signed in 2012. Both cities agreed to develop the partnership in the fields of education, culture, sports and tourism.
lipe Kreis Lippe
Kaunas and Kreis Lippe signed the Letter of Intent on the 13th of September, 1989. It was designed to start co-operation and exchange of cultural groups, organize art exhibitions in both cities, prepare training sessions for artists, teachers, students, and municipal officers, initiate the contacts among schools, hospitals, Chambers of Commerce, and exchange sport delegations.
grenobl Grenoble
On the 8th of February in 1997 in Kaunas City Hall the Twinning Agreement between Kaunas and Grenoble cities was signed with the participation of the delegation of Grenoble City, the members of the French National Assembly, H.E.Mr. Michel Touraine, the Ambassador of Lithuania to France, H. E. Mr. Ričardas Bačkis, the Ambassador of France to Lithuania, Kaunas City leaders and guests, members of the Lithuanian – French Association and press representatives. Both cities by this Agreement committed to promote exchanges between those cities in the fields of economics, science and culture.
tartu Tartu
Friendship between the cities of Kaunas and Tartu was officially approved by the Letter of Interest signed on May 4, 1993. This document foresees co-operation in such areas as municipal government, preparation of laws, distribution of information, business, culture, education, science, sports and tourism.
3 Linköping
The commencement of a friendship relationship with Linköping was acknowledged in January, 1992, when the Agreement of Co-operation was signed. It was foreseen to work in 10 various spheres. The Agreement was renewed in 1995.
In September, 1997, the delegation of Kaunas City paid an official visit to Linköping during which the Co-operation Agreement was renewed. It had been acknowledged that the work was not fruitful in all the spheres under the Agreement. Thus, both parties decided to limit the co-operation to 5 spheres, namely: creation of digital map, environmental and technical sphere (energy, heating, water treatment, green areas, etc.), child care and school questions, fire prevention, municipal administration and management.
2 Białystok
Letter of intent between the cities of Kaunas and Białystok was signed on February 12, 1994. This document confirmed the agreement to further participate in the following activities: exchange of experience among the municipal specialists, mutual visits of the cities’ representatives to observe local elections taking place in both cities, mutual exchange of information, participation in events in such fields as culture, sports, health, tourism and arts, etc.
4 Tampere
The roots of Kaunas and Tampere co-operation goes back to 1994. The preparation for the friendship was extensive and thorough with the purpose to get better acquainted with a future partner. With Kaunas City Council approval on May 14, 1997, the Twinning Agreement with Tampere was signed in Kaunas City Hall.
The Agreement confirmed the co-operation in the following spheres: economic development, culture and art, transportation, architecture and city planning, environmental protection, health care and education, youth questions (promoting of contacts, recreation camps, festivals, conferences), innovative actions via Lithuanian-Finnish business structures and NGO’s, participation in EU programs.
6 Odense
The official signing of the Twinning Agreement between Odense and Kaunas took place in Kaunas City Hall on July 7, 1993. However, the co-operation has started much earlier. The first contacts were initiated in 1991. Twinning Agreement provides co-operation between Kaunas and Odense in the following spheres: energy, environmental protection, urban planning, tourism, business and democracy development.
8 Kharkov
The Letter of Intent between Kaunas City and Kharkov was signed on the 23rd of April in 2001. Upon this letter the co-operation would take place in the following spheres: economy, culture, science, education, health service, tourism. The importance of inducement in these spheres between institutions is emphasized.
10 Brno
The friendship of Kaunas and Brno began with the Letter of Intent signed on the 14th of November in 1994, during the visit of Brno delegation. The delegation included press representatives who shared with their counterparts the experience of presenting information to the public.
It was foreseen in the Letter of Intent that co-operation would take place in the following spheres: development of democracy and self-government, culture, science, education and sports, social welfare and health care, promotion of tourism, business and investments, city planning and marketing, public transportation, contacts between political parties.
12 Los Angeles
Co-operation between the cities of Los Angeles and Kaunas was approved by Decision of Kaunas City Council dated June 20, 1991 and by the Certificate of Friendship signed by the Mayor and Council Members of Los Angeles City dated July 27, 1991, on the occasion of the fourth World Lithuanian National Games.
The ad-hoc committees created in the cities of Los Angeles and Kaunas were composed of the members, representing such areas as education, science, industry, culture, and tourism. They aimed to keep the citizens of both cities informed about the on-going activities, promote co-operation between universities, businessmen, specialists in environment protection, culture and arts.
11 Wrocław
The Kaunas and Wrocław partnership started in 1993. There were exchanges of official delegations organised between both cities. To get acquainted with the new city – partner, the leaders and councillors of Kaunas City Municipality visited Wrocław in 1993 and 1996.
On November 3, 1996, Declaration of Co-operation was signed during the stay of Wrocław delegation in Kaunas. The Declaration foresees co-operation in the following areas: culture, arts, sports, social care and health protection, tourism, education, economics, environmental protection.
13 Ferrara
The friendship of Kaunas and Ferrara began at the beginning of 1998, when Ferrara City Mayor applied to Kaunas City Mayor with an offer to collaborate for those two cities. Afterwards, a delegation consisted of two representatives of Ferrara City came to Kaunas and signed the Friendship agreement with Kaunas City.
It is foreseen in this agreement that both cities would adhere to the principles of friendship, democracy, peace and human rights and would look for possibilities to collaborate in the fields of urban planning, economic, cultural, social activities and science.
Images of logos (basic (green and blue))) Hiratsuka
Kaunas City and Hiratsuka signed a cooperation agreement on 25th November, 2023 in Kaunas Castle. The agreement aims to enhance mutual collaboration and foster exchanges between the cities, particularly in the realms of sports, education, and culture, with a focus on sharing best practices.
15 Cava de Tirreni
The official partnership agreement between Cava de Tirreni and Kaunas took place on the 10th of June, 2008. The official municipal delegation visited Kaunas City under the leadership of Mayor Luigi Gravagnuolo.
17 Rende
The intent protocol between Kaunas City and Rende City was signed on the 10th of October, 2003. Upon the protocol, the cities agreed to develop the cooperation between institutions and the economic and commercial realities, social, cultural and touristic, scientific universities, sporting and recreational.
According to the program financed by the European Commission in 2003 the Youth Forum of Human Rights took place in Rende where 8 members from Kaunas City participated.
Vestfold County, Norway (1991). Vestfold County Council is one of the twin cities of Kaunas City. The first cooperation agreement was signed on October 20th, 1991. It was later renewed several times (1992, 1993, 1994, 1997, 1999, 2001, 2004, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013, 2016, 2018). Throughout the cooperation period contacts were established between Vestfold and Kaunas gymnasiums, support was provided to Kaunas health and social care institutions, cooperation in the field of librarianship, and favorable conditions for exchanging business contacts between the two countries were created. Vestfold County used to contribute to the lighting of the Kaunas Christmas tree (donated a Christmas tree from Norway, ornaments and a festive program). Now every year they traditionally take part in Kaunas Christmas tree light-up celebration.
lviv Lviv Region
The Letter of Intent between Kaunas City and Lviv Region was signed on December 6, 2012 in Kaunas. This document foresees co-operation in such area as education, culture, sports, tourism, administration and city development.
14 Brescia
The Letter of Intent between Kaunas and Brescia took place on the 13th of July, 2002. Upon this letter, both cities agreed about the collaboration in the fields of sports, economy, culture, education. The non governmental organization “Il Sogno di Arunas” develops close partnership with Children’s Right Division.
On the 28th of August in 1998 during the festival called “Scandinavian Days in Kaunas” the Co-operation Agreement between Hordaland County and Kaunas City was signed. Both cities by this Agreement committed to collaborate in the fields of education, culture, medicine and social security.
02 Växjö
The first Twinning and Co-operation Agreement between Kaunas and Växjö was signed on September 7, 1990. At the request of Växjö City Council the co-operation was carried out following the Letter of Intents, which defined the co-operation spheres for two years.
It was decided to co-operate in the field of economics in 1990-1991.
The new Letter of Intend was signed in 1992, which provided the guidelines for 1992-1993. We agreed to exchange information in various spheres, to organise the programme for pupils exchange, to start the co-operation among the schools and social welfare institutions.
The second new Letter of Intend was signed in 1994. The sphere of energy (VEAB AB) was added to already existing co-operation fields.
The third new Letter of Intend was signed in 1996 (which is called Co-operation Agreement ) which determined the spheres of co-operation for 1996-1997.
The official delegation of Kaunas City paid a visit to Växjö Municipality in 1997. During this visit Co-operation Agreement was renewed. Eight co-operation fields are emphasised in the agreement: development of democracy, education, energy, culture, environmental protection, police work, municipal economy, exchange of information.

Siamen Final

Letter of intent concerning the twinning agreement between the cities of Kaunas and Xiamen was signed on October 27, 2000.
The Twinning agreement between the cities of Kaunas and Xiamen was signed on March 11, 2001 in Xiamen City of Fujian Province. The two sides agreed to make concerted efforts, on the basis of equality and mutual benefit, to promote people-to-people friendly contacts and economic ant trade inter-flow between the two rities, and actively carry out exchanges and cooperation in the fields of science and technology, culture, sports, health, education, etc.
03 Lutsk
The Letter of Intent between Kaunas and Lutsk Cities was signed on November 27, 2013 in Kaunas. This document foresees co-operation in such area as education, culture, sports, tourism and business.
Union of the Baltic Cities, UBC – Union of the Baltic Cities is a voluntary, proactive network mobilizing the shared potential of over 100 member cities for democratic, economic, social, cultural and environmentally sustainable development of the Baltic Sea Region. Kaunas is the member of the union since 1994.
European Cities Marketing Organisation (ECM)– European Cities Marketing provides a platform on a pan-European basis for cities to perform better in their convention and tourism activities through the exchange of knowledge and best practice within a city marketing framework. European Cities Marketing is promoting and linking the interests of more than 120 members from more than 100 major cities in 32 countries. und Europarat Die Hanse der Neuzeit – The aim of the organization is to connect the historical Hanseatic cities. New Hanseatic League has more than 150 cities in many European countries. Kaunas city municipality is the member of the organization.

European Cities Against Drugs (ECAD) – (European Cities against Drugs) organization has more than 250 members from 20 European Union member countries, as well as from Turkey and Russia: capitals, capitals of regions, and municipalities of the cities providing a platform to exchange knowledge, good practice, and experience in mobilising energy and available resources for prevention of narcotic drug use. The main goal of the organization is to exchange knowledge and cooperation. It is very important for the organization’s member states to have enough knowledge and information and not to get lost in political debates because there are actively working organizations in some countries which propose to legalise drug trade and use. ECAD supports both individual initiatives of drug prevention and large scale programmes and follows a balanced holistic approach to drug prevention in its work.The main aim of ECAD is to encourage and develop fight against drugs by democratic means. ECAD is disseminating information and knowledge supported by scientific evidence of drug addiction prevention, world tendencies of their use and damage to society on a local, state, and international level.

Every year ECAD organization organizes various training workshops and international Mayors conferences. Vilnius, Istanbul, Warsaw, Gothenburg, Stavanger, Gozo, Oslo, Cyprus, Cyprus, Malta, Stockholm, and other cities have already organized Mayors conferences.


Kaunas City Municipality joined ECAD after the approval of Kaunas City Council in 2003 and annually pays a membership fee.

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