
The Christmas Tree lightening and a celebration in Aleksotas


You are welcome on Monday, December 7th, 17p.m., (Veiverių st. 132) to celebrate the lightening of the Christmas Tree in Aleksotas.


17:00 p.m. The Lightening of the Christmas Tree (Square next to the Eldership of Aleksotas)

17:20 p.m. The Advent evening in The Hall of the Aleksotas Eldership

Participants: the Pastor Valius Zubavičius of Aleksotas Rectory, the Vicar, Priest Aurimas Stiklakis.

The Advent program will be performed by Kaunas Tirkiliškiai school- kindergarten students. The solo will be performed by the 6 year old violinist Jurgis Bajoras, the flute – 8 year old Kamilė Bardžiūtė.

18:30 p.m. The performance of men‘s choir “Thunder“and the community center folk music ensemble of Aleksotas “Svirbė“.

We kindly invite you and look forward to the festival.