A sketch of the historical performance “Centenary Women”
2017-12-08 (18:00 val.)

On December 8, at 6 pm., in the historical President’s Office of the Republic of Lithuania, presentation of the historical performance, sketch “Centenary Women” will take place.
The creative team of the performance raises questions: what are the creators of the First Republic of Lithuania for us today, what place do the women who have dedicated themselves for service to the nation, its independence, well-being take in the memory of contemporary Lithuanians? The plot of the performance is historically framed by two key dates – the 1st women’s congress taken place in Kaunas in 1907 and the 2nd Lithuanian women’s congress taken place in 1937, and peripeteias of lives and complicated destinies of women: G. Petkevičaitė-Bitė, J. Žymantienė-Žemaitė, S. Smetonienė, J. Tūbelienė, O. Rymaitė, F. Bortkevičienė, and M. Katiliūtė who actively participated in social processes at that time.
The performance is FREE.
Creative team:
Actors – Jurga Kalvaitytė, Neringa Bulotaitė;
Playwright, staging author – Ingrida Ragelskienė;
Video projections – Kornelijus Jaroševičius, Nidas Kaniušas;
Composer – Antanas Kučinskas;
Scenographer – Jurgita Jankutė.