Lithuanian Operas and Their Creators. From the Opera “Birutė” to “Dryžuota opera”

The long-term exhibition of “Lithuanian Operas and their Creators. From “Birutė” to “Dryžuota opera” will be opened on Thursday, the 9th of February at 4 pm at M. and K. Petrauskai Lithuanian Music History Museum (address K. Petrausko st. 31, Kaunas).
The exhibition presents programs, photography, scenography sketches, and authentic costumes of various operas. The visual information is enriched with reviews from the press, memories of the theatre people and with other interesting facts about the operas. The exhibition visitors will learn about operas of famous Lithuanian compositors: J. Karnavičiaus „Gražina“, V. Baumilos „Paskenduolė“, B. Gorbulskio „Frank Kruk“, K. V. Banaičio „Jūratė ir Kastytis“, A. Rekašiaus „Šviesos baladė“, G. Kuprevičiaus „Karalienė Bona“ and others.
Young visitors of the museum will learn about the operas, which are written for children: V. Kuprevičiaus „Žiogas ir skruzdė“, A.Belazaro „Kupriukas muzikantas“, Z. Bružaitės „Grybų karas“, „Voro vestuvės“, B. Kutavičiaus „Kaulo senis ant geležinio kalno“, T. Kutavičiaus „Nykštukas nosis“ and others.
The exhibition is supplemented by educational cognitive game “Kaip Natukas Pauzės ieškojo” (How little Note Searches for Pause). During this game visitors of the exhibition will learn what hides behind the name of “Dryžuota opera”, what was the first Lithuanian opera, who was its author, what is the audience doing in the opera of “Kaulo senis ant geležinio kalno”, also will learn about a play where only negative characters are participating. While playing this game, visitors will be taken to the kingdom of music and will have an opportunity to travel through the world of Lithuanian opera and help to find the lost Pause.