“German days” first time in Kaunas
2019-09-18 (08:00 val.)

September 18th
9:00-12:00 Cooperation amongst higher schools: good experiences and challenges. During the conference, participating and announcing will be done by: Lithuanian Republic Seimas member Z. Pavilionis, Honorary Consul of Lithuania in the location of Hessen Gabrielė Gylytė-Hein, Mittelhessen university of applied sciences (THM) rector prof. M. Willems and other Lithuanian representatives from universities, as well as industry representatives.
Kaunas University of Technology valley of “Santaka”, K. Baršausko st. 59, Kaunas
Organizers of the event: Kaunas University of Technology and Lithuanian-German forum.
For registration contact via E-mail: [email protected] | tel.: +370 (37) 300 011
14:00-16:00 Forum of best experiences (in German). Lithuanian teachers/professors of the German language conference-discussion “Learning/Teaching the German language”.
16:00 Final discussion “Idea board: school-university-business”. A teletilt with the region Lippe.
17:00-17:45 Lecture “Germany in Europe – too strong or too weak?” Announcer dr. Rūta Eidukevičienė | Regional organizers: VDU, Institute of Geothe, Kaunas Teacher Qualification Center.
Registration available until 16th of September via link: www.kpkc.lt
VDU Great Hall first floor foyer, S. Daukanto st. 28
September 17th-19th
Workshop for students and art installation “Take that”. Artist association “Tape that” (Berlin) Tape that (art created by duct tape) workshop for students learning the German language and an art installation in Kaunas public space (on a city trolleybus)
Registration to the student workshop at www.goethe.de/lietuva
Kaunas Simonas Daukantas progymnasium, Taikos pr. 68
September 19th
13:00-15:00 “Sport and education with the German language” event dedicated for the community of Aleksotas: children, parents, the youth of President Valdas Adamkus gymnasium.
President Valdas Adamkus gymnasium sports field, Bitininkų st. 31, Kaunas.
16:00 Musical poetic composition “Lyrisches Intermezzo” dedicated for the 222nd anniversary of Heinrich Heine.
Kaunas Vincas Kudirka public library Šančiai department Sandelių st. 7
17:00-18:30 Tour for city residents “Following German footsteps through the old Šančiai” | Registration: (tel. 867811289, [email protected])
September 20th
8:30-10:00 Breakfast with the German language. KTU students of the German language will be examining the traditions of the traditional German breakfast, products, recipes, will take part in preparing the food as well.
Registration to the event at [email protected]
KTU Social humanitarian sciences and arts faculty, A. Mickevičiaus st. 37
9:00-12:00 Business event “Lippe region and Kaunas: business relations and future prospects” Organized by VšĮ KaunasIn and Deutsch-Baltische Handelskammer (AHK) | German-Baltic Chamber of Commerce (AHK) | After the event: The visit of LEZ. Tour of Hella factory (for delegation of Lippe region).
Contacts for inquires [email protected]
[email protected] 852639117
Hengelman logistics center, Kaunas
10:00 Lecture “Landscape architecture in public space. New opportunities. The most interesting projects in Europe. Announcer: TH OWL Detmold (Germany) prof. Kathrin Volk.
Contact for inquiries +370 61452893
VDA Kaunas faculty, Muitinės st. 4
10:00 Felix-Fechenbach-Berufskolleg learning process introduction at college of Kaunas. Announcer: Felix-Fechenbach-Berufskolleg professor Jurgen Rabe.
Pramonės pr. 20, College of Kaunas
10:00-12:00 Demonstration of techniques and equipment used by the fire fighters of the Fire and Rescue Department under the Ministry of the Interior. Joint exercise with Lippe region firefighters.
Wharf Quay
12:00-18:00 Kolping yard
Organized by: Kolping Society, Kolping College, Kolping Kindergarten, Kolping Primary School for Leisure and Cultural Activities, parents, young people, planned German cuisine with Fair Trade Kolping coffee TATICO
- Jakšto st. 6, Kaunas
14:00-16:00 Discussion “Workplace Vocational Training: Are We Ready?”
Event organizers: German-Baltic Chamber of Commerce (AHK), K. Adenauer Foundation and Kolping College
Registration at https://bit.ly/2XYxuVB
- Jakšto st. 6, Kaunas, Bavarijos hall 3rd floor
15:00-16:00 Presentation of science potential to Lippe Chamber of Industry and Crafts and business representatives.
Contact for inquires [email protected]
“Santakos slėnis”, K. Baršausko st. 59, Kaunas
15:00-16:30 Discussion: "Kaunas and Germany: from the Hanseatic League to Europe today"
Contact for inquire [email protected]
Kaunas city museum, Rotušės sq. 15, Kaunas
16:00-17:00 Tour “Footsteps of Vydūnas in Kaunas”
Registration at [email protected], tel. 861396865
- Donelaičio st. 52, guide Aida Sinkevičiūtė
18:00 Kaunas Symphony Orchestra and Detmold Hochschule für Musik Performers Concert
Head of Kaunas City Symphony Orchestra A. Treikauskas, chief. conductor C. Orbelian.
Kaunas State Philharmonic, E. Ožeškienės st. 12, Kaunas
18:00 Gotthold Ephraim Lessing performance “Nathan the Wise”.
(German subtitles)
Kaunas National Drama Theater
September 21st
9:30 Welcoming of the German group Bürgerreise at Kaunas City Hall | Rotušės sq. 15
10:00 Trip to Šilutė region (continuation of Vydūnas tour)
Registration at [email protected], tel. 861396865
10:00-14:00 Kaunas Samaritan Society presents itself. Activities, training, cultural program, auction, tasting.
Jonavos st. 1F, Kaunas
10:00-15:00 Lithuanian Armed Forces Mechanized Infantry Brigade Iron Wolf and NATO Forces battalion group military equipment and armament exhibition.
Jonavos st. 1F, Kaunas
Contact for inquires [email protected]
14:00 Choir concert. Performance by Detmold Police Choir (Polizeichor Detmold), Šilutė region German descent population choir "HEIDE", Kaunas German Cultural Society classical music ensemble ,, EDELWEISS “
Gimnazijos st. 7, VDU Faculty of Catholic Theology hall
16:00 Choir concert | Academic Choir of Kaunas University of Technology "Youth", art director and conductor Danguolė Beinarytė and Brandenburg Youth Choir.
VDU museum of war, K. Donelaičio st. 64
All concerts are free
September 22nd
9:00 Prayers at the Garliava Chapel of the Deaconess Center
Contact for inquires tel. +37068250982, [email protected]
Garliava Deacon Center, Vytauto st. 95, Garliava
September 23rd
9:50 – 10:35 Initiative called “Sport is a friend in communication”. A friendly sports competition that will be held in Kaunas Stepono Dariaus and Stasio Girėno gymanasium.
11:05 – 14:00 “Discover, Get to know, and Share ". PI “Humana People to People Baltic” and the Education Development Center Social Partnerships - “Eat wisely” project “Eat Healthy Lithuanian food”. Preparation and tasting of national dishes.
14:30 - 17:00 Offer - Lemgo City of Lipes County, Germany Karla-Raveh School and Kaunas Stepono Dariaus and Stasio Gireno Gymnasium pupils' orientation march “Jewish people's footprint in Kaunas search. "
Attended by Karla-Raveh School in Lemgo, Lipes County, Germany and students of Kaunas Stepono Dariaus and Stasio Girėno Gymnasium and teachers.
Contact for additional information: [email protected], tel: 8 680 58569 Kaunas Stepono Dariaus and Stasio Gireno Gymnasium, Miško g. 1, Kaunas
October 4th
18:00 Choir Concert “Kaunas - Dusseldorf: Sounding Cities” The Joint Choir of the Dusseldorf Choir Association, Kaunas mixed choirs Saluto and Lelium.
Concert is free
KTU Hall III, Laisvės al. 13
German film week September 17th-21st
Kaunas film center “Romuva”, Kęstučio st. 62 (paid entry)
17th, 18:00 The Boy Needs to be in the Open Air (Der Junge muss an die frische Luft) feature film, 2017/18, Germany, 100 min, director: Caroline Link.
18th, 18:00 Amelie Runs (Amelie Rennt) Feature Movie, 2016/17, Germany, Italy, 97 min, directed by Tobias Wiemann.
19th, 18:00 Gunderman (Gundermann) Feature Movie, 2017/18, Germany, 127 min, directed by Andreas Dresen.
21st, 14:00 The Adventures of Prince Ahmed (Die Abenteuer des Prinzen Achmed) Cartoon, 1926, Germany, 68 min, director: Lotte Reiniger.
Kaunas Vincas Kudirka public library Girstupis department, Kovo 11-osios st. 24
17th, 18:00 24 Weeks (24 Wochen), feature film, dir. Anne Zohra Berrached, 2016.
Kaunas Vincas Kudirka public library department of Youth arts and music, A. Mapu st. 18
18th, 18:00 When We Leave (Die Fremde), feature film, dir. Feo Aladag, 2010
Kaunas Vincas Kudirka public library Girstupis department, Kovo 11-osios st. 24
19th 18:00 Toni Erdmann, Feature Film, 2016.
Kaunas Vincas Kudirka public library Aleksotas department, Veiverių st. 43
20th, 18:00 Paris, Texas, feature film, dir. Wim Wenders, 1984.
Kolping College, A. Jakšto st. 6, Bavaria Hall, 3rd floor
20th, 12:00 Your Beauty is Nothing (Deine Schönheit ist nichts wert) feature film, drama, 2012, Austria, 86 min, director: Hüseyin Tabak.
20th, 16:30 Superego and You (Über-Ich und Du) Feature Film, Comedy, 2016, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, 94 min, Director: Benjamin Heisenberg
Listed films free or charge
Exhibition of paintings by Rebeka Bruder, member of the Lithuanian Artists' Union
"Envelope angle". The exhibition will take place from 17th to 22nd of September.
Kaunas City Museum, Rotušės Sq. 15
Die Macht der Geühle (Power of Feelings). The exhibition will be open from 17th to 22nd of September, during City Hall working hours. This exhibition has been gifted by the German embassy.
Kaunas City Museum, Rotušės Sq. 15
Exhibition "The Legacy of Tilmans" will be open until 2019 October 20th
during gallery hours.
- Žilinskas Art Gallery, Nepriklausomybės a. 12, Kaunas
Book and Poster exhibition “Life is Live” will be open in 2019 on September 17th- 29th during museum hours.
Maironis Lithuanian Literature Museum, Rotušės Sq. 13, Kaunas
Exhibition of Fellows of the Lipe County Institute of Regional Studies. The exhibition will open on
September 16th- 26th. During the events.
Kaunas State. Philharmonic Hall, E. Ožeškienės g. 12
September 16th-22nd German Dishes Week
The following restaurants will be present:
Miesto sodas | Laisvės av. 93, Kaunas (There will be a beer festival held on 21st of September)
Senieji rūsiai | Vilniaus st. 34, Kaunas
Bernelių užeiga Senamiestyje | M. Valančiaus st. 9, Kaunas
Medžiotojų užeiga | Rotušės a. 10, Kaunas
Gardžios istorijos | Jakšto st. 6, Kaunas