Francophonie Month in Kaunas

Francophonie Month in Kaunas
March has traditionally given Kaunas residents an opportunity to experience the culture of Francophone countries. Francophonie unites countries and regions where French is the main language or a common one. Throughout March Kaunas residents will have the opportunity to get to know France, Romania, and other francophone countries.
The program
Sunday, March 1, 4 p.m.
The poetic musical opening of Francophonie Month
Read by actress Inesa PALIULYTĖ, French composers' works performed by members of the Makštučiai: Stasys and Rokas (clarinet), Jolita (piano).
Mickevičiaus St. 37, Great Hall
Tuesday, March 3, 6 p.m.
Attorney Virginijus PAPIRTIS, Defender of Bertrand's CANTAT: "The Echoes of Tragic Love."
Mickevičiaus St. 37, Auditorium 213
Wednesday, March 4, 5 p.m.
Opening of the "Francophone Kaunas: legends of the past, impressions of the present, perspectives of the future" pupil/student photography exhibition and announcement of the winners of the photography competition.
Putvinskio St. 23, 3rd floor art gallery, VMU.
Thursday, March 5, 6 p.m.
Presentation and screening of the French film "Invisible" (directed by Louis-Julien Petit, 2018), organized by The Centre of Francophone Countries at VMU and Romuva Kaunas Cinema Centre.
Romuva Kaunas Cinema Centre, Kęstučio St. 62 (free)
Thursday, March 5, 6 p.m.
Galaunė House and KTU French Cultural Centre
We invite you to an event dedicated to the 130th birthday of art critic and professor Paulius Galaunė. Irma Liauzun will give a speech called “Paulius GALAUNĖ – a Francophile. From the Louvre School to the Exhibition about Napoleon,” and we will listen to French-language novels by P. Galaunė and interwar chansons from the writer and collector Gediminas Jankus read by LSMU High School pupils (teacher Benjamin Speelman).
- K. Čiurlionis National Art Museum, A. and P. Galaunė House, Vydūno al. 2
Monday, March 9, 6 p.m.
LUHS professor Alvydas LAIŠKONIS's “Nobel laureates from Lithuania” lecture.
Mickevičiaus St. 37, auditorium 213
The Centre of Francophone Countries at VMU and KTU French Cultural Centre
Thursday, March 12, 5:30 p.m.
Prof. Viktorija SKRUPSKELYTĖ's "Translations of Oskaras Milašius into Lithuanian" lecture.
Putvinskio St. 23, 102 Auditorium, VMU
Saturday, March 14, 11 a.m. CANCELLED
“French footprints in Kaunas” Excursion (on foot, duration ~2 hours).
Pre-registration is required: tel. 861623828, e-mail [email protected]
Tuesday, March 17, 2 p.m. CANCELLED
International Francophone Conference on Natural Sciences in French “GREEN SCHOOL–GREEN CITY” with the participation of Grenoble Stendal Lyceum, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Kaunas Jurgis Dobkevičius Junior High School, Kaunas Jesuit High School, and other schools. Welcome speech by the French Ambassador to Lithuania.
Kaunas City Municipality Great Hall, Laisvės Ave. 96
The Centre of Francophone Countries at VMU
Wednesday, March 18, 6 p.m. CANCELLED
Common history of Lithuania and France
Lieutenant colonel, Baltic Countries History expert Gilles DUTERTRE's “Stendal during the Russian Campaign” lecture. Will be translated into Lithuanian.
Mickevičiaus St. 37, Auditorium 213
Thursday, March 19, 10 a.m.-4:30 p.m. CANCELLED
International "Francophonie in the Modern World: From Past Traditions to Today's Changes" Conference.
VMU Small Hall, Daukanto St. 28 (with translation into French and Lithuanian)
Thursday March 19, 6- 8 p.m.
“Inspirations: between Paris and the Temporary Capital. Stories and Tastes” at the Vieno Prancūzo Sandėliukas tasting bar.
Alongside the stories and inspirations of Kaunas artists in Paris, we will taste carefully selected gourmet cheeses from different regions of France. Tour guide and reader Neringa Daniulaitienė and actress Kristina Kazakevičiūtė will moderate.
This is a paid event. Taking pictures and videos is allowed. The number of seats is limited, and pre-registration is required at [email protected] or via Facebook.
Girstupio St. 1, Kaunas
KTU French Cultural Center, Kaunas Section of LUMA and KaunoTAU
Saturday, March 21, 12 p.m. CANCELLED
"Milašius's Letters to Friends." Speaker Prof. G. DRUČKUTĖ (Vilnius University).
Mickevičiaus St. 37, Auditorium213
February 20 - March 20 CANCELLED
Contest on social networks #FrankofoniškasKaunas
We invite you to take pictures and pose for photos that reflect what Francophone Kaunas is to you.
We will give the author of the photo with the most reactions two tickets to the tasting dinner of seven French cheeses in the Vieno Prancūzo Sandėliukas tasting bar.
The winner will be announced on March 30th.
Monday, March 23, 6:30 p.m. CANCELLED
"Emanuel Levin: Philosophy Beyond Theory." The speaker is Tomas Sodeika, professor of philosophy at Vilnius University.
Mickevičiaus St. 37, Auditorium213
March 23-27 CANCELLED
Photography Exhibition of Romanian Sculptor Constantin Brâncuși: “Constantin Brâncuși - the Central Figure of Cultural Heritage of Francophone”.
Kaunas Cultural Centre, Vytauto Ave. 79
Tuesday, March 24, 6:30 p.m. CANCELLED
"The Perfect Match" by Eugène Ionesco.
Directed by Olga Simonova. Starring Thierry Gondard and Caroline Paliulis.
Performance in French with Lithuanian subtitles.
This is a paid event. Tickets are available at and at the theater box office.
Kaunas City Chamber Theater, Kęstučio St. 74A
Wednesday, March 25, 6 p.m. CANCELLED
French Music Concert
“Les chemins de l'amour” (“Paths of Love”)
Magali Léger, soprano (France)
Motiejus Bazaras, piano (Lithuania)
Kaunas Cultural Centre, Vytauto Ave. 79
Thursday, March 26, 5:30 p.m. CANCELLED
Lecture by Prof. Dr. Aurelija Leonavičienė and Dr. Jurgita Macijauskaitė-Bonda “Is the Earth still a Human Planet?” with the participation of National Kaunas Drama Theater actors.
Opening of the “Translations of the Little Prince into All Languages of the World” exhibition organized by the Centre of Francophone Countries at VMU and the European Commission Representation in Lithuania and Loreta Roževičiūtė-Elksnė’s “The Little Prince” exhibition.
Putvinskio St. 23, Auditorium 310 and VMU III floor art gallery.
Tuesday, March 31, 6 p.m. CANCELLED
Musical closing of Francophonie Month
Laisvės Ave. 13, KTU III Chamber Hall