Project „HOP! Hearts Open People – conference and workshops about urban volunteering”
Atnaujinta: 2018-07-30 (Monday)
Participation: The project involved 56 citizens, notably 31 participants from the city of Toruń (Poland),7 participants from the city Daugavpils (Lietuva), 5 from the city Klaipeda (Lithuania), 5 from the city Kaunas (Lithuania), 8 from the city Gottingen (Germany).
Location/ Dates: The event took place in Toruń (Poland) from 11 to 12 April 2018, and additionally (The Volunteer Day on university campus in Toruń) on 13 June 2018.
Short description:
The main goal of the conference was promotion and spreading the idea of volunteering and preparing a model of Volunteering Center for Toruń.
The meeting was arranged as a two-stage immersion into the issue of volunteering. On the first day, there were presentations of the experts: Mr. Łukasz Bartosik – a manager of the Polish Humanitarian Action in Toruń, Ms Nina Rapo – a coordinator-supervisor of Erasmus+ students, Agnieszka Buczyńska – the director of the Regional Center for Volunteering in Gdańsk, and a presentations of good practice from other European cities. On the second day there were workshops run with a method used for implementation of projects under URBACT III program. In mixed international groups, based on the obtained data about Toruń, the participants planned the stages of creation and operation of the Volunteering Center. The end result was a concept which was created on a participatory and transnational basis, as the principles of volunteering are global.
Municipality of Toruń: Toruń City Center Office, Department of Social Communication and Information of Toruń City Office and the Centre Of Contemporary Art in Toruń
Download: brochure_Hearts Open People_ENG