We Invite You to Find Italy in Kaunas

On 15-17 September, 2017, Kaunas invites to celebrate the Italian days “Discover Italy in Kaunas”. In the three-day event there will be no shortage of concerts, exhibitions, cookery lessons, educational lectures, style advices, children’s attractions, gourmet dinners to become better acquainted with Italian culture.

“Kaunas friendship with Italy has lasted for nearly two decades. During this period, very close and friendly relations have been established, but this kind of event is the first of such scale in Kaunas. We want not only to invite all the partners from Italy, the Italian community living in Kaunas, but also the townspeople to discover together and to get even better knowledge of the culture of this country, its uniqueness and originality,” – said the Vice-Mayor of Kaunas Simonas Kairys.

The Italian Embassy, twin-cities of Kaunas from Italy: Brescia, Ferrara, Cava de’ Tirreni, the Italian community of Kaunas and all those who love and admire Italian culture are contributing to the organization of the event. The programme of the event will consist of as many as 5 parts: “Festa of Style”, Italian business breakfast “Direction – Kaunas: Gastronomy, Tourism, Business 2017”, “Celebration in Italian Way”, “Discoveries”, wine exhibition – festival “Vinalia Rustica”.

„I am indeed very happy that Italian Days are organized in Kaunas – the city that has historic relations with Italy, partnerships with Italian cities and direct flights. Kaunas is a beautiful city, rich in culture and art. These are the reasons why this city has been designated as the European Capital of Culture in 2022. Concerts of Italian music, exhibitions, movies and many other events will give a possibility for Kaunas citizens to get to know the most important elements of Italian culture: love for beauty, quality and good taste. The long-term experience of Italian companies working in Kaunas shows that this city is an excellent place for business and investment development. Each time I come to Kaunas, I find it even more beautiful, dynamic and full of Italian students – and it makes me so happy“, – said His Excellency, Italian Ambassador Stefano Taliani de Marchio.

Event Lasting for Three Days

Wine presentations, tastings, lectures, concerts of live music, traditional grape trampling ritual – the wine exhibition festival “Vinalia Rustica” organized in the hospitality complex Monte Pacis for the fourth time, after the opening of a three-day Italian fiesta in Kaunas.

“I’ve had the format of such a festival in my heart and mind for a very long time, perhaps inspired by the wine festivals that I have seen time and again in Italy or in other countries, which are intended not only for professionals, but simply for those who like to chat, eat, taste and share impressions. The guests gather to learn, discover and have a good time – to transfer themselves to Italy and holiday for one night at least, and most importantly, take over the Italian way of enjoying life here and now, with those who are around and with what they have at the time,” – says Indra Ramanauskienė, the owner of the Monte Pacis hospitality complex, the organizer of the festival.

The “Festa of Style” will also sweep across the city center. In Laisvės Alėja, there will be presentations of Lithuanian and Italian fashion and style brands, fashion fairs, where stylish items will be available, will be open. Workshops of the creative industry will also be held for children and adults.

“We are often tense and constrained. Constantly in a hurry, forgetting ourselves and turning away the things that give us the greatest happiness. Italian Days is a great event not only to get acquainted with Italian culture, but also to learn how to live as they do – in relaxed, passionate, stylish way, enjoying food and communicating without constraints. I sincerely invite all the Kaunas residents to “feel” Italy within yourselves and enjoy the pleasure of being here and now “, – says Meda Kišonė, the organizer of the “Festa of Style”.

The mood of the festivity will also be strong in another part of the programme “Celebration in Italian Way”. Here you will see the spectacular performances of banner-bearers and music groups from Italy: the Stefano Bottoni Quartet from Ferrara, the music group from Brescia, Sbandieratori Cavensi from Cava de’ Tirreni, the Venice Carnival procession on the main street of the city, the festive meeting of the Italian community and, of course, Italian delicacies.

The programme “Discoveries” will be meant for anyone who wants to not only feel the Italian spirit but also learn something new about this country and its culture. Kaunas citizens will enjoy the presentation of the new tour “Discover Italy in Kaunas”, workshops of Italian cuisine with kitchen chefs and confectioners from Italy, lectures about Italy, an exhibition of Italian automobiles in Studentų Square.

The programme of the event is constantly updated. We invite all those who love and admire Italian culture – business representatives, communities and artists – to join the event “Discover Italy in Kaunas”. If you have any ideas and would like to join the event program, we invite you to submit them by 31 July, 2017, to the representative of Foreign Relations Division of Kaunas City Municipality, the organizer of the event Lina Lauciute, e-mail [email protected], tel.: 8 37 42 47 66.