The company from the Netherland’s going to collect real estate data bases from all around the world in Kaunas

The company “GeoPhy”, offering data collection to the world’s real estate market, processing and analysis services, is creating a service center in Kaunas. The company is planning to engage 24 specialists in Kaunas till the middle of the next year, and they are going to be responsible for collection and analysis of data from the whole world.

As the “GeoPhy” office manager Adriaan Hoogduijn in Kaunas said: We are looking for people who would have a wide worldview. As he said, Lithuanian people are the ones they are looking for – they are educated, know more than two foreign languages and tend to think critically.

The company was founded in 2013 in the Netherlands by three owners and now has offices in Delft, London, New York and Hong Kong. Kaunas has become the new office.

“The company considers its future plans in Kaunas really optimistically. They believe that in Kaunas they will find ambitious people, also they are happy that they can offer this city more working spaces”, – said Adriaan Hoogduijn.

“GeoPhy” develops technology that helps to include the data collected from different sources into a single database. The calculation model based on big data helps to make up the rating of the real estate from all over the world. Looking at those criteria, the company’s clients make a decision worth millions or even billions of euros. “GeoPhy” services are mainly used by banks, pension funds and government agencies.

Currently, “GeoPhy” database keeps detailed information about hundreds of millions of buildings standing in more than fifty countries. The company expects that by the end of 2017 this figure will be at least twice as higher.