Strategic activity plan of Kaunas city for the period until 2024: continuity of works and targeted development of priority fields

Paskelbta: 2022-02-04 (Friday)
In order to ensure proficient and sustainable development of Kaunas city, to increase the competitiveness and attractiveness of Kaunas city both in Lithuania and abroad, Kaunas City Council unanimously approved the strategic action plan for the period until 2024. Three strategic action programs were planned: Promotion of Economic Development, Development of Smart and Civic Society also Sustainable Development of Territories and Infrastructure.
Attractiveness for business and tourism
While increasing the position of Kaunas as a sustainable and civic city, a leader in business and innovation, a centre of modern and inclusive culture, the program for Promotion of Economic Development envisages developing infrastructure, improving the quality and accessibility of services as well as increasing the awareness of projects.
The plans of the city for the next three years foresee continuing the conversion of the former aviation factory on Europa Avenue into Aleksotas Innovation Industry Park, which will provide space for the scientific research and experimental development projects as well as centre for attraction of highly qualified specialists.
A lot of attention will be further focused on Kaunas City Heritage Management Program, fostering wooden and brick architecture, renovating the surviving authentic objects that state a claim to be included into the UNESCO World Heritage List.
The strategic document includes the facade reconstruction works of Kaunas St. Archangel Michael (the Garisson) Church and Kaunas Centre of Culture, re-opening the legendary “Romuva” cinema theatre in the summer of this year. Until 2024 it is planned to commence the renewal of Dainų Slėnis in Kaunas and to prepare a technical project for M. K. Čiurlionis Concert Centre.
In order to ensure the accessibility of culture, the inclusion of residents and city guests into cultural activities into culture events the program “Initiatives for Kaunas” is continued as well as project “Kaunas – European Capital of Culture 2022” and the Partnership Program.
The main criterion being the needs of Kaunas residents
Education, health and social affairs also remain the priorities of the city. Development of Smart and Civil Society program will create an effective network of formal and informal education institutions, invest into the development of health and social services. It is also planned to improve the quality and accessibility of services provided to all sections of the population. It has also been planned to improve the quality of the provided services as well as their accessibility for all the groups of citizens.
The city will continue modernising the schools and kindergartens: S. Darius and S. Girėnas Gymnasium, Kaunas nurseries – kindergartens “Ežiukas”, “Šnekutis”, “Žiburėlis” and others. In order to ensure learning facilities closer to the place of residence, Kuršiai kindergarten will be opened in Šilainiai, a kindergarten in Vilijampolė is undergoing reconstruction on Jūratės Street. A construction of completely new pre-school educational institution shall also be initiated in Romainiai, on Vijūkų Street.
To promote youth employment, the program “Initiatives for Kaunas” will finance projects of non-governmental organizations and other communities that meet the needs of Kaunas residents. Attractive informal education and employment enhancing programs are being developed for them at open youth centres and other leisure facilities.
The strategic goals also include the ongoing large city projects: the construction of Darius and Girėnas Stadium, works for deepening the rowing lane that would comply with the international standards at Lampėdžiai Lake and the reconstruction of Kaunas Sports Hall. Moreover, the city will also continue the construction of water sports centre and “Science Island” museum on Nemunas Island.
Other large projects will also be commenced in 2022–2024: construction of athletics arena and new swimming pool in Panemunė as well as reconstruction of the swimming pool of Kaunas swimming school “Šilainiai”.
Green areas and urban infrastructure
The directions for further work established under Kaunas strategy for 2022–2024 include engineering supply, improving transport and communications, fostering safe and clean environment. The city will continue to improve and develop streets, improve water supply and wastewater infrastructure, also increase energy and heat consumption efficiency.
Kaunas has set a goal to continue promoting active leisure and sustainable mobility in the city. Therefore, pedestrian and bicycle paths will be improved and their network will be expanded further.
Ongoing maintenance and renovation works will take place in the green areas of the city: forests, squares, Ąžuolynas Park and territories surrounding S. Darius and S. Girėnas Stadium, Santaka and Neris embankment parks.
Information provided by Public Relations Department