Paskelbta: 2017-09-13 (Wednesday)
On 18th of September Kaunas city will become a little China for a day. The travelling exposition of business and culture “Sail of Shangai”, which presents more than 60 companies from the biggest city of China – Shanghai, is coming to Kaunas. Everyone is welcome to visit this open event.
The exhibition will take place in “Park Inn” conference center (K. Donelaičio st. 27) from 9:30 to 16:00. The visitors of the exhibition will have an opportunity to get acquainted with new energy technologies, electronic devices, medical services, household and household appliances. The main organiser of this exhibition is Shanghai International Trade Association. This association brings together more than 500 members from various business sectors: manufacturing, international trade, finance, insurance, logistics, and others.
“We do not choose a partner city by taking into account the number of people living in the city. It’s the perspective which is important to us. We see Kaunas as the city of big potential”, said Yin Yicui, chairman of Shanghai council at the meeting with Visvaldas Matijošaitis, Mayor of Kaunas.
This business exhibition is a part of the “One Belt, One Road” project funded by the Chinese government which also focuses on the Baltic region. This project is a fund aiming to increase economic growth, finance and improve the infrastructure and projects related to it (such as Silk Road of 21st Century), in particular transport infrastructure projects and interconnections (Silk Road of the 21st Century), and increase investment from China to manufacturing industry in countries of the project “One Belt, One Road”, including Lithuania. Lithuania, as a country of this project, is defined as a potential partner for collaborative research and development of innovative products.
“We get a lot of attention from the cities of China who see the potential of Kaunas city. At the event, together with the representatives of the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Handicrafts of Kaunas, we will invite Lithuanian business people to get acquainted with new potential partners. We hope that this event will serve as a great introduction to even greater cooperation in the future”, said Simonas Kairys, Deputy Mayor of Kaunas.
“The main aim of the exhibition is to encourage a comprehensive, broad and multi-level economic and cultural cooperation with the city of Shanghai and to explore potential development of co-operation between Lithuania and China in the framework of the “One Belt, One Road” initiative. On 17th and 18th of September, cultural events, sport events and meetings of representatives of Shanghai with various organizations in Kaunas will take place in Kaunas city. The delegation of more than 200 people is coming from Shanghai to Kaunas in order to participate in the events and meetings”, said Emilija Šakalienė, Head of the Foreign Relations Division of Kaunas City Municipality.
Ambassador of China to Lithuania H.E. Mr. Wei Ruixing, who met the Mayor of Kaunas Visvaldas Matijošaitis in August, states that the representatives of business in China see Kaunas as a dynamic city with a huge potential.
Kaunas is collaborating with Xiamen city since 2001. However, the desire for cooperation with Kaunas was expressed by more cities in China. The leaders of Shanghai city believe that rapid economic development of Kaunas is inevitable. Considering the recent years, Shanghai changed in a way it is hard to recognise the city anymore. The event happening in Lithuania in September is incredibly important for business in Lithuania. I am confident the exposition will get a lot of attention and will be successful. It will be a great incentive and opportunity for the representatives of businesses from both countries to establish cooperation and stronger relations”, – said Ambassador H.E. W. Ruixing, expressing the excitement about the upcoming exposition.
According to the Chinese Ambassador, Kaunas is a very important city, as it connects Asia and the West, as well as Scandinavia.
The citizens of Kaunas are invited to a free concert in Kaunas Culture Centre “Tautos Namai” (address: Vytauto pr. 79) on 17th of September, at 5 p.m. This concert may serve as a great opportunity to listen to musical pieces played by the orchestra of traditional instruments from Shanghai and sung by the soloists from Yue Opera in Shanghai, as well as enjoy Chinese traditional art of lights. Lithuanian folklore will be presented by the folklore ensemble “Ratilėlis” of Kaunas National Centre of Culture.
Partners of the exhibition in Kaunas: Municipality of Shanghai City, Shanghai International Trade Association, Municipality of Kaunas City, Chinese Embassy to Lithuania, Lithuanian Embassy to China, “Versli Lietuva”, Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Handicrafts of Kaunas.
In order to get more information about the event or about the meetings with companies please contact the Head of “Kaunas IN” Tadas Stankevičius (email: [email protected], mobile no.: +37067164134)
Programme of the Event:
9:00-9:30 Registration
9:30-10:00 Welcoming Speeches:
– Wu Genbao, Vice-president of Shanghai International Trade Association
– Wei Ruixing, Chinese Ambassador to Lithuania
– Visvaldas Matijošaitis, Mayor of Kaunas City
– Benjaminas Žemaitis, President of Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Handicrafts of Kaunas
10:00-10:20 Performances of Chinese folklore bands
10:30 Business forum:
– Daina Kleponė, General Director of „Versli Lietuva“
– Representative of Shanghai Delegation
– Kęstutis Bruzga (Consultant from „Žabolienė and partners“)
– Mindaugas Reinikis, chairman of Lithuania-China Business Council
11:00-11:30 Q&A Session
11:30-16:00 Individual meetings of the companies