Ongoing Events Dedicated to Kaunas Interwar Architecture

Paskelbta: 2016-06-17 (Friday)
By continuing a cycle of events dedicated to the Lithuanian architecture, an exhibition “Modernistic Interiors in Kaunas. Kaunas – the Undiscovered Capital of Modernism in Europe” was opened in the embassy of the Republic of Lithuania in Berlin which did not only supplement the geography of presentations on Kaunas modernistic architecture, but also disclosed architectural spaces of the provisional capital of Lithuania so far known only for architecture experts – surviving interiors of the interwar architecture buildings that fascinated by their modernity at that time, retaining features characteristic for the region.
The compiler and curator of the exhibition – architect Gintaras Balčytis, photographers Rymantas Penkauskas and Gintaras Česonis. This exhibition and a discussion were arranged within the framework of one-month programme in Berlin dedicated to history of Kaunas architecture. A month of Kaunas Architecture was opened in the gallery of the Museum of Architectural Drawing in Berlin on 17 May, during presentation of the exhibition “Kaunas Interwar Architecture” under the curatorship of Architect Gintaras Balčytis that became the first exhibition on Lithuanian architecture in this country that attracted great attention of both, architects and persons interested in architecture, and was included into the programme of the Long Night of Science in Berlin.
“Modernistic Interiors in Kaunas. Kaunas – the Undiscovered Capital of Modernism in Europe”, like the exhibition “Kaunas Interwar Architecture” are the exhibitions inviting to become familiar with projects illustrating the development of modernistic architecture in Kaunas during 1919-1940. It is pleasing to see that in the city of Berlin, where, as they say, anything may be found and, therefore, it is difficult to surprise the city’s residents with something, the event dedicated to the history of Lithuanian architecture received such great attention that the exhibition was displayed not only in especially prestigious spaces of Berlin, but was also included into the Long Night of Science in Berlin, which required additional printing of the exhibition catalogues as their number was not sufficient for the willing ones, and that it served as one more possibility to introduce Kaunas interwar architecture as an integral part of 20th century European architectural landscape”, Dr. Gabrielė Žaidytė, Cultural Attache of the Republic of Lithuania in Germany, stated.
“Kaunas interwar architecture is considered a phenomenon, as in hardly a decade a modern European capital was built. However, today we may already raise a question – what is that Kaunas modernism, what impacts and ideas had influence in this city, and how were they implemented?. A traditional attitude towards architecture, traditional construction technologies, as well as a great desire to create a national style, ideas of radical modernism that had come from the Western European schools of architecture gave birth to what we could call today one of the earliest instances of regionalism in modernistic architecture”, Architectural Historian Dr. Marija Drėmaitė told.
The exhibition “Modernistic Interiors in Kaunas. Kaunas – the Undiscovered Capital of Modernism in Europe” may be visited until 1 July, on Mondays – Thursdays, 10 a.m. – 13 p.m. and 2 – 4 p.m. in the Embassy of the Republic of Lithuania in Germany on Charitestr. 9, 10117 Berlin.
Project organizers: Cultural Attache of the Republic of Lithuania in Germany, Kaunas Festival of Architecture. Partners: DOMPublishers, Lithuanian Institute of Culture, Kaunas Division of Lithuanian Architects Union. Sponsors of the exhibition: Lithuanian Council for Culture. The participant’s stay in Berlin is supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Lithuania.
Information of Public Relations Subdivision