Movement during quarantine

By foot, scooter or bicycle

+ Appropriate weather conditions

+ There is no close contact with others

+ Bicycle rental starts

+ Helps improve well-being

+ Strengthens the immune system

  • It takes a lot of willingness
  • Requires some strength


By car

+ Easier and quicker

+ Safe environment

+ Suitable for going long distance

  • Extra expenses
  • Environmentally unfriendly
  • Traffic – more cram


Public transport

+ Cheaper

+ Regular disinfection of the environment

  • Drivers do not sell tickets*
  • Additional risk factors*At least 1 meter between passengers
  • Only seating

*Restricts passenger’s number to maintain a safe distance. Forbidden enter full public transport only seating. Keep 2 meters distance between passengers at the bus stops. Use App “Žiogas” or E-ticket. If you feel that you are sick please don’t use public transport.


If your trip is not important please stay at home. If it’s possible work from home.

Use transport only if it’s necessary:

  • Buy food or medicine
  • Go to medical institutions
  • Other necessary cases