Lithuanian Air Force settled down in S. Darius and S. Girėnas Airfield

Paskelbta: 2016-05-24 (Tuesday)
On May 20, a modern Lithuanian Air Force search and rescue station was opened at S. Darius and S. Girėno Airfield of Kaunas. The post will serve in saving people’s lives, assisting the police and will help ensure the country’s border control.
“I want to express thanks to Kaunas for such a beautiful cooperation. I think that this helicopter base is one of the most modern not only in Lithuania. If necessary, we will have better conditions to help people in trouble, “- said the Minister of National Defence J.Olekas.
“I sincerely congratulate the Lithuanian Air Force for settling down in the new home. This air base is now really good hands. I believe that it will help a lot of lives in Kaunas. Looking at this building makes me a little jealous to the men serving here – the building is definitely more beautiful than the municipal administration building of Kaunas, “- quipped Kaunas Mayor Mr. Visvaldas Matijošaitis.
According to the architect, the search and rescue station project manager Rimvydas Palis, the idea was to create a unique design object. “The goal was to create the aesthetics of aviation hangar. Together with my daughter Ieva, which is also an architect, we created the shape we see today. Everything here is distinctive and unique – both the interior, and the exterior” – said R. Palys.
The Air Force Commander Audronis Navickas said that a helicopter in the hangar will be on duty all the time, ready to respond to the alarm within 15 minutes. The helicopter crew consists of 4-5 people, also ten more specialists serve as the base personnel. “The unit in Kaunas is responsible for the Eastern, Southern and middle parts of Lithuania. Transplant organs transport, assistance to the police, border control reinforcement – these are missions which will take place from this unit”, – stated A. Navickas.
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