Kaunas Will Provide One-off Payments to War Refugees from Ukraine Staying in the City

Kaunas City Municipality from the next week will provide financial support to people who have fled Ukraine as a result of the war initiated by Russia. One-time cash payments will be provided to war refugees who have no other income and are registered with the Migration Department. Social assistance per person will amount to 126 Eur, and in the case of a larger family – another 42 euros are paid for each person. This will often help people arriving emptily to feel more confident in meeting basic primary needs.

At least a month without an income

“The number of officially registered Ukrainians in Kaunas is already approaching three and a half thousand, and, there may be several times more refugees. Mostly mothers with young children, as well as elderly people. Often, they come simply as they stand – without savings, clothes and other necessary items and do not dare to ask for help.

It is the duty of the city to ensure that everyone feels dignified and can independently take care of at least minimal needs until they receive social assistance provided by the state. Kaunas is becoming a second home to them, so we will try to ensure that these people do not feel like temporary guests,” said Kaunas Mayor Visvaldas Matijošaitis.

According to the representatives of Kaunas City Municipality, the processing of migration documents takes time – war refugees who have found refuge in Lithuania cannot immediately apply for state-guaranteed social assistance.

Currently, the legislation and document processing procedures in force in the country can take about a month or even longer. After submitting an application for residence in Lithuania, at least one month passes before the permit is granted. Once the application for social assistance is approved, it is granted after another month.

On Tuesday, the Kaunas City Council adopted a decision as a matter of urgency, which will help to fill this gap. One-off payments will be granted from next week.

Support will start from 126 euros

From next Monday (March 28), the city will pay one-time support to foreigners living in Kaunas who have fled the war in Ukraine. It is granted to persons who have registered in the Services System of the Migration Department (https://www.migracija.lt/en) or Kaunas Refugee Registration Point (Vytauto Ave. 79) and who do not have other income.

Applications for this support can be submitted on weekdays at the Social Assistance Department of Kaunas City Municipality (Nemuno St. 29, Room 29). You must carry with you a valid passport or identity card, a temporary identity certificate, a temporary residence permit or a copy of the card issued by the Migration Department.

The support will be paid into Lithuanian bank accounts or the following payment platforms: Verified Payments, Monese, N26 Bank, Foxpay, Verse Payments Lithuania, Revolut Limited, Paysera.

Its amount per person will reach 126 euros, and for each additional family member another 42 euros is allocated. It is estimated that more than 2,000 people can benefit from a one-time cash payment.

State benefits will also be included

The funds for this social assistance are allocated from the city budget. After the outbreak of the war in Ukraine, Kaunas City Council at an extraordinary meeting at the end of February provided. 500 thousand euros to ensure assistance measures and quality accommodation for Ukrainians in Kaunas.

The city’s initial financial support will allow war refugees to establish themselves in the city and provide themselves with basic goods.

After the permits have been processed and the status of temporary protection has been received, the refugees of war will be entitled to social assistance provided by the state – child benefits, social assistance pensions, a lump sum payment for establishment, compensations for the part of the housing rent and other assistance.

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