Kaunas Vincas Kudirka public library celebrates its 95th birthday and invites to celebrate it virtually

On 24 April there will be 95 years since Kaunas Vincas Kudirka public library was founded. The library invites you to mention this occasion virtually – by listening to the writings of the author, artist and performer, a distant relative of Vincas Kudirka, Žygimantas Kudirka. This unconventional, remote event will be broadcast live on the library’s Facebook page on April 24th, 7 p.m.

Kaunas Vincas Kudirka public library is one of the oldest public libraries in Lithuania. Its founder – pedagogue, museologist, librarian Vincas Ruzgas. During its long existence, the library has moved from one room to another, changed, improved and become what it is today – a modern network of 23 libraries, famous for ideas and innovations: the first and only toy town, beach libraries on the city beaches, home care for seniors, reading with a dog and other reading promotion initiatives, making 3D printers to fight COVID-19 and etc.

As soon as it was founded in 1925, the library immediately received the honorable title of Vincas Kudirka. Therefore, it is no coincidence that readers are invited to celebrate the work of Žygimantas Kudirka, a man who is associated with V. Kudirka not only by his surname, but also by kinship, creation.

Žygimantas Kudirka, also known as the Messiah, is a writer, artist and performer working in the fields of interactive poetry, artificial languages and avant-garde rap. His lyrics often take on unexpected forms: alternative reality audio guides, radio plays created for the car interior, hacking into the media or interactive solutions where the reader or listener has to complete the work himself. He has published a book of interactive poetry, seven music albums, performed hundreds of performances in Lithuania and around the world, creating works and performances in the field of contemporary art.