Kaunas Residents Returning to Work are Invited to Test for COVID-19

Paskelbta: 2021-03-04 (Thursday)
Kaunas strengthens preventive measures against COVID-19 – the scope of preventive tests is increasing. Staff of institutions working directly with residents and employees of large companies are invited to register for free PCR tests at Kaunas mobile testing sites.
Prevention to stop the virus
With the softening of quarantine restrictions, more and more people are returning from remote to physical jobs. There is a risk of spreading coronavirus infection. One of the main measures to prevent new outbreaks of COVID-19 is preventive testing.
As a result, the list of people who can be tested regularly for coronavirus is expanding. This will help ensure the safety not only of themselves but also of those with whom they have direct contact.
PCR tests for COVID-19 can be performed free of charge by all Kaunas companies with more than 100 employees. Employees of outlets operating in the city, staff of food production institutions, specialists working in the public transport and utility sectors, and employees of municipal sports schools are also invited to register for testing.
Prevention while waiting for vaccinations
“Probably none of us want to think about extending the quarantine or the third wave, so we can’t relax. This is particularly important now that we hear news about the British strain of COVID-19 reaching the country, and the quantities of vaccines available are still relatively small.
Kaunas residents must be conscious and actively vaccinated, and those waiting for their turn must be tested prophylactically. I urge you to use all security measures and take care of yourself and your customers. Only in this way will we be able to “get out” of quarantine and stagnation, which has affected many areas of life,” said Mr. Paulius Keras, Head of the Emergency Operations Center of Kaunas City Municipality.
Until now, testing for COVID-19 has been available to all health care professionals and their volunteers, social and care home staff, educators and officials. Residents experiencing coronavirus-specific symptoms or preparing for elective surgery are also registered for PCR tests.
Tests in mobile testing sites
All members of the intended groups wishing to test for COVID-19 can register by e-mail on the website www.1808.lt, by selecting “PGR profilaktiniai tyrimai tikslinėms grupėms” or by calling 1808. The tests are free of charge.
The mobile testing sites operate in Kaunas camping (Jonavos st. 51A). It is mandatory to arrive here by car at least 5 minutes before the appointed visit time and to have a prepared identity document and SMS message with registration data.
Employers whose staff have direct contact with customer and work indoors – they are encouraged to encourage their employees to test more actively and, if necessary, to arrange for them to be transported to a mobile testing site.
In companies, it is also important to ensure a safe working environment: the ability to measure body temperature and disinfect hands, frequently used surfaces and work equipment.