Kaunas Residents Encouraged to Report Street Pits

Paskelbta: 2021-03-01 (Monday)
Recently, noticeably fluctuating outdoor temperatures have become a significant challenge for street paving. As every year, as the weather warms up after the winter, road workers follow the situation and try to manage the open pits quickly. However, they admit that it would not be possible to immediately see and assess the condition of one and a half thousand streets without responsible Kaunas residents. It is the drivers or passers-by who make a significant contribution to the elimination of the effects of winter in Kaunas much more effectively.
“Excellent and productive cooperation with the city residents helps to solve problems that have arisen on the roads quickly and without much losses. So we continue to ask the townspeople to report any open pits.
We take the situation particularly seriously. If we find open pits in those streets that have been maintained during the last few years, we will demand the responsibility of the contractors who performed the works in providing warranty repairs,” assured Mr. Aloyzas Pakalniškis, the Head of the City Management Department of Kaunas City Municipality.
The City Dispatcher (tel. 8 800 00111) is waiting 24 hours a day for calls due to emergency obstacles on the streets. Photos and information about the opened pits can also be submitted by e-mail: [email protected] or [email protected]
According to Mr. Pakalniškis, wearing the road, even the smallest cracks in its pavement can later turn into a considerable break. Our weather conditions contribute significantly to this, as moisture penetrates the asphalt surface and freezes there. This can lead to traffic hazards in poorer roads and busier streets.
“Such pits are best managed during the dry period of year, using hot asphalt. Yet now, with the snow melting and water accumulating, there is no such possibility. Therefore, the best solution is to take temporary measures and manage the pits with a mixture of cold asphalt,” said Mr. Jonas Tumpa, representative of “Kauno švara”.
Usually, road crews eliminate problems during the day. However, even at night, after receiving a call, dispatchers try to mark and fence dangerous places as soon as possible so that residents avoid unexpected damage to their property and financial loss. The specialists of “Kauno švara” were instructed to respond promptly to all reports of the residents.