Kaunas Residents Are Invited to Contribute to Support Ukraine Over the Weekend: Lack of Hygiene Products and Goods for Children

Kaunas is in constant contact with city partners in Ukraine – Luck, Lvil region and Kharkiv. Respondent to the offers of assistance towards the lack of products, Ukrainians are asking for help. Already this weekend, Kaunas residents are invited to donate essential goods – baby food, nappies and toiletries. On Saturday and Sunday from 10:00, municipal volunteers will gather charity in the parking lot near the Acropolis, next to the Carmelite Church.

Kaunas is ready to hand over to Ukrainian cities 10 passenger buses, which are currently also missing there.The first vehicles will travel to the war-ravaged country as early as next week. The aim is for buses to leave not empty. Cities have submitted lists of missing items, so it is this humanitarian shipment that is planned to fill up all passenger buses.

“We are in constant contact with Ukrainian partner cities that have responded to the assistance we offer. They would also benefit from buses at the moment. We are doing our best to get them out full of humanitarian aid. All Kaunas residents who want and can contribute to charity are invited to do so as early as this weekend. Now let’s focus on baby and children’s food, diapers and adult toiletries, so we ask them to donate to the people of Ukraine suffering from war,” says Andrius Palionis, Deputy Mayor of Kaunas.

Residents are invited to select specific products or groups of products from the list provided and deliver their purchases in neat packages. All this will help to load the buses more compactly in order to bring out as much support as possible.

The buses prepared for storage will stand in the parking lot near the Carmelite Church, near Kaunas “Akropolis” – saturday and Sunday from 10:00 to 20:00.The benefactors will be greeted here by municipal volunteers.

Residents are requested to hand over packages in accordance with the following list:

  • food for infants and children, especially allergies (so-called mixtures, purees, porridges, etc.);
  • nappies and wet wipes;
  • personal cleanliness goods, toiletries (shower accessories, etc.);
  • intimate hygiene products (packages, pads, tampons)

“We are working to ensure that humanitarian aid travels to the area and is distributed as quickly and conveniently as possible among the people who are now most in need. Together with all the collected charity, all passenger buses that took it will remain in Ukrainian cities – Kaunas decided to transfer them to a country plagued by war aggression.

In addition to the charity provided by the residents, the municipality will in turn take care of the purchase of a large amount of long-lasting food, bandages, medicaments and medicines, so we ask kaunas residents not to worry yet. Because there are additional requirements for medical shipments, so we will organize their purchase in a coordinated way. We also communicate with business for more support,” said Paulius Keras, Head of the Emergency and Operations Management Centre of Kaunas Municipality.

Depending on the activity of the population, the collection of support may be extended next week.

Public Relations Information