Kaunas Region for Health planning to use Wales’s good practices

Two participants from Kaunas Region for Health (Lithuania): Prof. Irena Misevičienė, focal point for RHN in Lithuania, chairman of Kaunas Region for Health Advisory Council, and Asta Garmienė, temporary coordinator of Kaunas Region for Health Group took part in the study visit in“Sustainable Development Approaches to Health and Equity” on 27–28 June 2016 in the capital city of Wales, Cardiff. The study visit was organized by the International Health Coordination Centre, Public Health Wales, EuroHealthNet and the European Commission, together with the WHO Regions for Health Network (RHN).

The purpose of this study visit was to provide an opportunity for sharing ideas and practical approaches for linking the sustainable development agenda and population health and wellbeing across strategic and operation contexts. Different Wales’s examples of the policy implementation and programmes were presented, delegates from 16 countries and participants shared their ideas and practices which the participants could take back to their own countries, regions or organizations.

How Kaunas region could uptake the lessons learned from Wales study visit:

– Wales’ political document “Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015” is a great exemplary document for the countries and regions for the preparation to develop the UN Sustainable development Goals (SDGs) implementation. While preparing the Lithuanian or regional document for SDGs implementation, it is rational to use as example the indicators and their assessment methodology from the foregoing Wales’ document. – Good experience from the projects that were presented during the study visit could serve as an example for the Regions in Lithuania expected to carry out activities; the contacts made during the visit allow for the members of Kaunas Region for Health to go to Wales and get acquainted with the activities carried out in more detail in the future. – Participants informed and disseminated highlights from the Wales’ study visit among representatives from different sectors of Kaunas City Municipal Administration, politicians and in the nearest future will make a presentation for all regional partners.