Kaunas Receives the National Award for Achievements in Education

Paskelbta: 2016-10-05 (Wednesday)
Lithuania’s self-government day was commemorated by the “Golden krivūlės” awards in which Kaunas was elected as the best city in the areas of education and science. This prestigious award was given to the city for its students’ high grades and the city’s policy to increase them. Kaunas was declared the winner after comparing the students’ grades from different municipalities which have a similar social, cultural and economic atmosphere, educational subjunctives. The comparison took into account the national exam results, general education achievement’s, Olympiads, contest results and preschool education coverage.
The Deputy Chairperson of Kaunas Committee for Education and Culture Aušra Papirtienė congratulated her colleagues on this prestigious award. She said that this was achieved by the thorough and single-minded efforts of educational committees, teachers, directors and the city’s managers.
Since this year, Kaunas is a member of Global Network of Learning Cities. Now Kaunas has a chance to host the annual UNESCO conferences and forums. This is an opportunity to present our education to the world on the global stage and attract investors from abroad.
Kaunas Mayor’s Adviser for education Prof. PhD Dainius Pavalkis said that at the moment Kaunas City Municipality is deploying an innovational data analysis which is based on self-evaluation principals. Also there is a system created to enhance the results of our students based on mutual help policy. It is especially beneficial for the school when the discussions with teachers, principals involve the modern educational ideas, newest student’s advancement observation and differences fixation methods. Education is being improved not only in secondary schools but also in preschools by expanding the service-sector. The city committee approved there evaluations and presented that evaluators will be provided with new training. This year ten new schools of Kaunas city opened a new virtual classes which have modern computer technology. These digital classes are now opened at Juozo Urbšio lower secondary school, Jono and Patro Vileišių multifunctional center, as well as Petrašiūnų, Jurgio Dobkevičiaus, Kazio Griniaus , Kaunas technology university Vaižganto, Simono Daukanto, Tado Ivanausko, Vinco Kudirkos ir Žaliakalnio pro- gymnasiums. “Saulės” gymnasium and A. Stulginskio school-multifunctional center and other institutions have the first and only at the moment 3D classes. Students have a chance to learn mathematics, informatics and biology in a different way. The first experience showed that these methods are highly effective. Modern educational methods and innovative technology play their part in improving exams and primary education results. 274 of Kaunas school-leavers got the highest result possible in their examinations – 100 points. This year many students achieved the highest results in mathematics, the English and Lithuanian languages. Students were not only successful at the city, but also at international olympiads, contests. They brought back home 88 medals and commemorative cups.
Kaunas now also has a new system to motivate teachers and students alike. Each year the best teachers are awarded. Also there are celebrations for gifted students. Kaunas representatives who came to collect the national award of “Auksinė Krivūlė” said that this just shows that we live in a modern city that is open to education and innovations.
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