Kaunas Prepares Business Certificate Reliefs for War Refugees from Ukraine

Paskelbta: 2022-04-15 (Friday)
Refugees from Ukraine who are staying in Kaunas will receive additional support from the city. In addition to one-time social benefits, free meals and public transport, and other assistance, it is planned to grant a 99% relief on business certificates. This will make it easier to integrate and generate independent income. Kaunas City Council will take a decision at the next meeting on 26th April.
“Ukrainians entering the country are actively registering with the Employment Service and consulting at the Refugee Registration Centre. More than 7,500 people from Ukraine have chosen to live in Kaunas, while over 800 of them want to work and earn a living on their own.
By seeing such initiative, we aim to make an even greater contribution that people could stand firmer on their feet. A few hundred euros for a war refugee are a lot of money, so business certificates are provided with almost 100% tax exemption. This will allow to engage in independent activities in Kaunas or the whole country, to provide services according to the specialty,” – said Andrius Palionis, the Deputy Mayor of Kaunas.
According to the Data of the Employment Service, more than 500 people of working age have been registered in Kaunas County. Additionally, 310 people are already on fixed-term or open-ended contracts.
The city proposes to apply a 99 % relief to all activities requiring a business certificate for war refugees from Ukraine who have a temporary residence permit in Lithuania, a national visa or an ILTU code issued by the Migration Department. This is almost 90 different areas of service and production. These include food or handicraft trade, beauty, translation, and a wide range of other services.
If you choose to carry out activities in the territory of Kaunas city, annual fees can vary from 200 to 580 euros. For those who decide to provide services throughout the country, with the exception of major cities, the fixed annual fee is 525 euros, while fee without restrictions on the territory of activity – 684 euros.
After 26th of April Kaunas city council would adopt a decision on tax incentives, refugees who would be purchasing business certificates for 2022, the monthly amount fee will not reach even 1 euro.
Currently, the benefits apply to people with disabilities, traditional crafts professionals, the long-term unemployed people, retirement age people, students, and schoolchildren. Also, benefits are provided for parents and guardians raising a child under 18 years with disability, for large families, for single parents raising minors.
It is estimated that more than 10,000 business certificates are provided each year, while half of it has applied with significant reliefs.
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