Kaunas Opens up One of the Most Bizarre and Unique Squares in the World

Paskelbta: 2017-07-27 (Thursday)
Recently, Kaunas city launched Jurgis Mačiūnas Square. It is located in the middle of the tripartite junction connecting Vytauto Avenue and K. Donelaičio Street and Parodos Street.
The aforementioned intersection also stands in front of Parodos Street house No. 1, in which Jurgis Mačiūnas, one of the pioneers of the Fluxus movement, lived in his childhood. The new space in Kaunas corresponds to the laws of Fluxian absurdity, as it is the world’s first non-accessible square which is not visible to pedestrians. The artist Naglis Rytis Baltušnikas proposed and implemented this idea for the city.
“I liked the fact that there was no official opening of the square. This would be against the philosophy of Fluxus. I’ve been keeping this idea in my mind for about five years. One day, I met with Kaunas Deputy Mayor Povilas Mačiulis who invited me to propose this idea at the competition “Kaunas Highlights”. Thanks to him, this idea has been implemented, “- said the author of the idea and artist Baltušnikas.
All information about the competition “Kaunas Highlights” is published on the website http://akcentai.kaunas.lt
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