Kaunas Opens New Space for Innovators

Paskelbta: 2023-02-14 (Tuesday)
Aleksotas Innovation Industrial Park (AIIP) — officially established by the decision of Kaunas Council. High value-added companies will establish their own research centres and laboratories and develop experimental prototyping. Priority areas of activities: biotechnology, health, information and communication and advanced materials technologies.
Only companies carrying out research and experimental development and innovation activities will be able to settle in the spaces of Aleksotas Innovation Industrial Park. During the selection process, the investors will assessed according to their contribution and potential to achieve the performance indicators of the park — capital investments and long-term jobs. The application process will start soon. The priority sectors are life sciences, automotive industry, information and communications technology and industrial equipment. These directions correspond to the competences and specialization of scientific institutions and innovative companies already located in Kaunas region.
The territory of Aleksotas Innovation Industrial Park has already built a network of 8 local streets with sidewalks and bicycle paths, and the infrastructure necessary for outdoor investment — water supply, sewage and electricity networks have been created. There is also a possibility for settlers to connect to the city’s district heating system and gas pipelines. These factors will significantly shorten the way for investors to decide to set up their own research or experimental production centres and carry out their construction work here.
It is predicted that Kaunas will attract about 90 million Euros of private capital investment, as well as create more than 1000 well-paid jobs.