Kaunas Modernist Interwar Architecture Exhibition in Brno

In November, an exhibition of interwar Kaunas City architecture was opened in the impressive Stiassni Villa in Brno city (the Check Republic) which will be available until December 13.
In Brno, Kaunas City introduced a period of its development which is unique throughout all the Baltic region, during the time when Kaunas was a temporary capital of the new independent Lithuanian state and was one the centres of architectural modernism in Europe.
During the opening of the exhibition, Kaunas Deputy Mayor Simonas Kairys once again declared that during 20 years of being the temporary capital of Lithuania, Kaunas city underwent its most important period of development – from a modest small town it grew up into a European centre with important architectural objects, cultural and educational centres and new living places.
The Lithuanian Ambassador in the Check Republic Edvilas Raudonikis said that this cultural event is also an invitation to all people in Brno to visit Lithuania and Kaunas City. Gintaras Balčytis, the author of the exhibition, was glad that the event showed the cooperation and mutual points of Brno and Kaunas as well as the latter’s place on the world’s map of cultural heritage. The event was also honoured by the presence of Chair of Cultural Commission of Brno City Council Karla Hofmannova.
Kaunas delegation also met with thee specialists of Brno City municipality heritage protection and culture.