Kaunas City welcomes everyone to create a Christmas calendar

Christmas is coming, so citizens of Kaunas are already preparing for the upcoming events. The bond of Christmas spirit is not only being strengthened by light decorations, but also by various events, projects and Christmas attractions. This year Kaunas City will put everything into one big calendar.

In order to prepare for Christmas and enrich the waiting time for the citizens and city visitors, we decided to make one calendar where people can find information in one place about events or projects. This time, Christmas events won’t only be held in Rotušės avenue and Santaka park, but also all around Kaunas.  So It’s our responsibility to announce those events to everyone and loudly”, – says Kaunas City Deputy Mayor Simonas Kairys, who wishes that everyone joins this initiative.

This calendar will have all Christmas events happening in Kaunas from December 1st until January 6th.  Visitors will be able to see calendar soon at kaledos.kaunas.lt.

We invite Kaunas City communities and businesses’ to join in the preparation of this calendar and write us at [email protected]. It is important to give us detailed description about event or other kind of project and also provide with your organization logo.