Kaunas City Mayor Mr. Visvaldas Matijošaitis met the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Italy H.E Mr. Stefano Taliani de Marchio

October 9, 2015 at the Mayor’s Office

The purpose of the courtesy visit of Italian Ambassador was to meet the Mayor of Kaunas City Mr. Visvaldas Matijošaitis and to discuss the partnership between Lithuania (Kaunas) and Italy. The Ambassador using this occasion awarded Mr. Stefano Lanza, the Associate Professor, Doctor of the Italian Language of  Vytautas Magnus University in Kaunas, the chairman of “Dante Alighieri“ association committee with the honourable medal of the President of the Republic of Italy for the promotion of Italian language and culture in Kaunas. Kaunas City Mayor gave the Letter of Gratitude for Mr. Stefano Lanza.

“It is extremely important that the Mayor of Kaunas city wished to participate together with the Ambassador. It is a symbolic highlight of my sincerely dedication to Italy as well as Kaunas that continues for 15 years“,- said S. Lanza, the compiler of two dictionaries and the doctor of Lithuanian philology.

The Ambassador marked that there are many Italian students under the Erasmus program in Kaunas who enjoy the opportunity to spend several months in Kaunas. It is obvious that the Italian language is getting more popular, “- said the Ambassador.

Mayor was glad that such Italian companies as „Marzotto Group“ and „Gruppo Fos“ are looking for the possibilities to expand in Kaunas.

“We are happy about the spring and summer period, that is already scheduled for the flights to Sicily. My goal is to expand the flight routes from Italy to Lithuania and from Lithuania to Italy. Without a doubt, these decisions will be taken by the airport company. I would sugest providing flights to Venice, because it combines three regions, which are economically very strong. It also may be an opportunity to think about Naples and Southern Italy, “- said Ambassador.

After the meeting, the Ambassador went to public institution “Futura Oggi“, a house built in Karmėlava, where the adult orphan girls live.

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