Kaunas announces “Like Bike 100000 km Challenge”

Paskelbta: 2018-04-30 (Monday)
Last year, in the “Challenge of the European Bicycle 2017”, Kaunas residents who participated in May, jointly together traveled by bike more than 70 thousand kilometers. This year Kaunas and Kaunas region join forces and challenges citizens of Kaunas with the biggest challenge yet – to travel by bike 100 thousand kilometers within one month devoted to the centenary of Lithuania.
Kaunas has participated in the traditional “European Bicycle Challenge” for several years and competed with other cities of the Old Continent. This year’s announcement of discontinuing activities by organizers of this event in Italy has led to the initiative of a group of Canadians who have proposed a challenge for their region. Kaunas City Municipality, along with its partners, announces the “Like Bike Challenge for 100000 km”, which lasts throughout all of May.
How to register?
“Like Bike 100000km Challenge” rules are very simple. The residents and guests of Kaunas city and region, who want to take part in the challenge, have to download a free “Naviki” gadget from their smartphone and connect to the chosen business, educational institution or other NGO team from May 1st. And every time you sit on a bike, keep it in your mind.
Most casualties will receive special challenge prizes. Bicycle enthusiasts who want to create their challenge team – a business, a group of friends, a school or university – are welcome to sign up at: http://likebike.kaunas.lt/dviraciuissukis