It is known who is going to decorate the main Christmas tree of Kaunas city

Paskelbta: 2017-10-26 (Thursday)
This Tuesday it was announced who was given an honour to decorate the Christmas tree of Kaunas city which will stand in main square of Kaunas (Rotušė square). An open competition was won by “Medusa Concert” company, which will also be responsible for the organisation of Christmas tree lighting ceremony and New Year’s celebration.
Three companies participated in the competition organised by the Municipality of Kaunas City. Out of the three companies “Medusa Concert” performed best and won the competition. The winners of the competition are planning to put a real Christmas tree of 12 meters height to Rotušė square and decorate it with festoons of real pine cones and with other decorations made of natural materials. Still, the main decorative attraction in the Rotušė square is going to be the enormous glass installations next to the Christmas tree. Following the already established Christmas tradition, Christmas market will take place in the main square of Kaunas. The organisers are encouraging the sellers of various Christmas related goods to join the market during the Christmas season.
“After the dark the glass installations will become alive because of the special 3D projections which were created specifically for the installations and will be shown on them. The trees of the main square of Kaunas and the shop-houses of the Christmas market will be decorated following the same style. We are hoping to get original ideas for the Christmas decorations every year. The plan for the decorations for this year is one of them. Kaunas has not seen anything similar to this. The view of the main square of Kaunas will be spectacular after the dark”, – stated the representative of Culture Division of Kaunas City Municipality Daiva Morkūnaitė Šmitienė.
The organisers are planning to reveal all the secrets of Christmas season in the beginning of November during the official presentation of Christmas tree of this year in the Rotušė square. The ceremony of Christmas tree lighting is planned for the 2nd of December during the ceremonial event dedicated for that.
The Municipality of Kaunas City devoted 180 thousand euros for the Christmas town project in the Rotušė square, the event dedicated to the Christmas tree lighting, educational activities and New Year’s celebration.
Information of Public Relations division