Important Information Regarding Coronavirus Prevention in Lithuania | March 19

Paskelbta: 2020-03-19 (Thursday)
The Government has decided to extend the transit period for foreign nationals to return home through the territory of the Republic of Lithuania until 23 March 2020, 12:00 a.m.
As it was announced last week, Lithuanian authorities have taken additional precautionary measures to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus in the country. Quarantine was introduced from 16 to 30 March to slow down the spread of the coronavirus.
Currently, Lithuanian citizens, unless they reside or work in another country, are banned from leaving the country. People must self-isolate for two weeks after returning from any foreign country.
Foreigners are forbidden from entering the country. The Government has decided to extend the transit period for foreign nationals to return home through the territory of the Republic of Lithuania until 23 March 2020, 12:00 a.m.
Until then, the transit of persons returning to their country of residence shall be permitted through the territory of the Republic of Lithuania without the necessary stops. After 23 March 2020, 12:00 a.m. until the end of the quarantine, the passenger transit of foreign nationals shall only be performed through the territory of the Republic of Lithuania by rail without stops (except for the necessary stops, including cases related to the fulfilment of international diplomatic and/or consular obligations).
If you are a foreign citizen planning to return to your home country during the quarantine, we strongly advise contacting your embassy immediately. Here’s a list of Lithuania-based embassies and consulates.
SPA centres, beauty salons, shops and shopping centres (except pharmacies, gas stations and grocery stores), museums, galleries, concert halls, theatres, cinemas, information centres, schools and universities are closed.
Restaurants and bars are closed, except for food deliveries and takeaway. More about that here.
All public events, including conferences and other performances, are cancelled.
Municipalities have suspended non-essential services.
Visiting patients in hospitals and prisoners in incarceration facilities is prohibited.
Pre-planned medical procedures, vaccinations, dental services, rehabilitations have been postponed, except for emergency medical assistance. Rehabilitation and dental services are also suspended, as well as planned vaccinations.
If you can’t reach your family doctor and are not sure about your state, MEDo, an online Lithuanian doctor volunteer network, can answer your health-related questions in messenger. At the moment, they can also consult in English, Swedish, and Norwegian. Here’s the link.
The number of passengers on intercity buses and trains is restricted to maintain the necessary distances between passengers. This requirement also applies to public transport within Vilnius.
Public transport runs as usual (timetables might change), but tickets can no longer be purchased on the bus directly from the driver. We suggest downloading the Žiogas App (Google Play | Appstore) and using online tickets. Alternatively, you can purchase a public transport card and top it up in a kiosk, if there is one at the station.
Intercity trains and buses run as usual, but the timetables have been adjusted to the drastically reduced number of passengers. Check and before your trip. It’s strongly advised to only travel inside the country if it’s essential.
Public and private sectors workers are recommended to work from home.
People are welcome to visit parks, forests and other open spaces in the city and around, but it’s recommended to keep safe social distance (2 metres at least) and avoid direct contact. Do not touch surfaces and your face; periodically disinfect your hands.
A mobile coronavirus testing site has opened in Kaunas on Jonavos g. 51A. To receive the permission to arrive and time slot, you must call the corona hotline 1808 and consult with the specialists.
Government Newsfeed in English
Lithuanian Radio and Television website in English
COVID-19 Hotline in Lithuania: 1808 (free of charge).
If necessary, please contact us at [email protected], by phone +370 616 23828 or +370 616 50991 | Facebook | Instagram