Huge air balloons festival this weekend in Kaunas

Paskelbta: 2019-07-04 (Thursday)
On the occasion of the State Day of Lithuania, several dozen balloons will welcome Kaunas once again. If weather conditions are met, the participants of the balloon festival „Kaunas auga 2019“ (Kaunas is growing), which will take place from Thursday evening till Sunday morning, will have a chance to rise 6 times to the sky with air balloons. The most spectacular part of the celebration will take place Saturday evening at the Old Town and Town Hall Square, where air balloon night parade and illumination are planned.
“The balloon festival in Kaunas one year ago was one of the most impressive events of the year. We couldn‘t miss an opportunity to repeat it this year too,“ claimed Andrius Palionis, Deputy Mayor of Kaunas.
“Residents of Kaunas love air balloons and their competitions are becoming a beautiful annual tradition. Of course, the flights can take place only under good weather conditions. Thus, we‘re hoping for a nice weather which will allow us to have a huge celebration in Kaunas,“ said Gintaras Šurkus, organizer of the celebration.
During the celebration, balloons will rise and land at Nemunas island and Santaka park. The culmination of the celebration will be an exclusive event in the Town Hall Square, wherefrom late Saturday evening (24:00) Kaunas residents will be able to enjoy air balloon night parade and illumination.
“Visitors are invited to gather at the Town Hall Square at least half an hour before the event. Here they will be able to watch the process of blowing balloons, which due special fire look like glowing lanterns the sky,“ explained G. Šurkus.
The festive weekend will be closed by the early Sunday morning, when the balloons will rise for the last time.
July 4, Thursday
20:00 Start of the air balloon “Kaunas auga“ flight from Santaka park.
Flights of the other balloons to Santaka park, the markers throwing to the target. Flight over Kaunas.
July 5, Friday
7:00 Air balloons flights over Kaunas.
20:00 Start of the air balloon “Kaunas auga“ flight to Nemunas island.
Flights of the other balloons to Nemunas island, the markers throwing to the target. Flight over Kaunas.
July 6, Saturday
7:00 Air balloons flights over Kaunas.
20:00 Start of the air balloons flights from Nemunas island.
24:00 Air balloons night parade and illumination at Kaunas Town Hall Square.
July 7. Sunday
7:00 Air balloons flights over Kaunas.