Historic Leaders of 6 Countries Open the Forum in Kaunas

On March 10th, on Friday, Vytautas Magnus University will host the first event for the approaching celebration of Centennial of Restoration of the State of Lithuania – the second international forum of the Baltic and Black Seas. The former leaders of Central and Eastern European countries will take part in the forum and discuss about the future of Europe.

Among the forum participants there are former leaders of European countries who have changed the continent’s development in the recent years and turned it towards democracy: Valdas Adamkus (Lithuania), Vytautas Landsbergis (Lithuania), Viktor Yushchenko (Ukraine), Leonid Kuchma (Ukraine), Petru Lucinschi (Moldava), Arnold Rüütel (Estonia), Lech Wałęsa (Poland), Gennady Burbulis (Russia).

The theme of the event in Kaunas is “Europe Today. Baltic Consensus (1987-1991 years): Historic Significance and Lessons for Today’s World. On the eve of March 11th the historical leaders inviting academic community, people of politics, arts, culture, business and society representatives to revive together the historical memory, to search for new forms of dialogue, create new productive and neighborly responsible, peace supporting forms of communication based on mutual respect and trust.

According to the European Union ambassador in the Russian Federation Vygaudas Usackas, the Baltic success story is like a lighthouse to the countries of the Black Sea region and their democracy. “Because of geopolitical tension, confrontation and environmental risks, it is worth to listen to the historic leaders who contributed to the collapse of the Soviet Union restored the statehood of their countries’- the importance of the event was stressed by the ambassador.

It is not a coincidence that the academic venue is chosen for the search of solutions together with former presidents. In the face of the twenty-first century’s global challenges and regional threats, it is necessary to start a close dialogue and include in it the academic community, especially the younger generation.

The forum of the Restoration of Lithuania’s Independence: “Europe Today. Baltic Consensus (1987-1991 years): Historical Significance and Lessons for Today’ will be held on March 10th, on Friday, 10 a.m., in the Great Hall of VMU (S. Daukanto g. 28, Kaunas). On the same day, at 14:00, in VMU small hall (S. Daukanto g. 28) there will be discussion ‘Universities Dialogue: Objectives, Mission and Practice”, after which Kaunas resolution will be taken “Trust and Peace Dialogue”.

The event is organized by Vytautas Magnus University and Kaunas City Municipality.

Historical leaders, the Baltic and Black Seas forum participants:

Valdas Adamkus, President of Lithuania (1998-2003 and 2004-2009), the Chairman of the VMU Council and honorary doctor.

Vytautas Landsbergis, the first leader of the restored independent Republic of Lithuania, the leader of the Supreme Council – Restoration Parliament Chairman (1990-1992), VMU Honorary Doctor

Viktor Yushchenko, president of Ukraine (2005-2010)

Leonid Kuchma, president of Ukraine (1994-2004)

Petru Lucinschi, president of Moldova (1996-2001)

Arnold Rüütel, president of Estonia (2001 – 2006)

Lech Walesa, president of Poland (1990-1995)

Gennady Burbulis, State Secretary of the Russian Soviet Federal Socialist Republic (1991-1992)