Façade Repair Works of Kaunas Artists’ House

Paskelbta: 2021-03-16 (Tuesday)
Celebrating its 50th anniversary this year, Kaunas Artists’ House (KAH) will celebrate its birthday renewed. From March, the building facade maintenance works will start, which are planned to be performed in the next 8 months.
Listed as a European Heritage Label, the interwar building, designed in 1930 by architect Vytautas Landsbergis-Žemkalnis as the Vatican Embassy, it has been inseparable from the activities of KAH for half a century.
According to KAH manager Ms. Rūta Stepanovaitė, this anniversary year pays special attention not only to the program of events, but also to the renewal of infrastructure.
“We prepared for the works, albeit in stages, but consistently: the first management projects started to be prepared in 2013, we completed the last design works in 2019. However, it is an architectural heritage site, so any intervention requires careful preparation. It took about a year to revise the valuable features of the building – we received the conclusions of the experts at the beginning of this year,” said Ms. R. Stepanovaitė.
Repair works, which will begin this week, is the first phase of building maintenance. According to Mr. Andrius Efimenko, one of the architects who prepared the project, the facade will be repaired, windows will be restored, outdoor terrace will be maintained, and facade lighting solutions will be implemented, but the appearance of the building will not change. The stained-glass windows “Mūzos” by the artist Vytautas Banis will also be restored in the concert hall and other premises of the building.
In the second stage, it is planned to start the internal space management works, at the same time a lot of attention will be paid to the accessibility of the building and its premises.
Facade maintenance works are performed at the expense of Kaunas City Municipality. “Listada” performs the works, while the technical supervision of the works is performed by “Domstata”. “EFI Projektai” performs author’s supervision of the project implementation.
Information on workflows and results will be provided on an ongoing basis throughout the year.