Exceptional excursion “Kaunas City of Design” – opportunity to visit homes of Kaunas residents

Paskelbta: 2015-12-31 (Thursday)
Kaunas became the first city in Eastern and Western European countries which received the City Design Status. On this occasion Kaunas City Tourism Centre announced the news – opportunity to visit homes of Kaunas residents during the excursion “Kaunas City of Design”.
“The year of 2015 was extraordinary for Kaunas City. In April Kaunas was awarded a European Heritage Label. In December Kaunas has joined the UNESCO Creative Cities Network. It’s great, that Kaunas stands between such cities like Detroit, Singapore or Budapest. All signs show that we have to be proud of our city. Kaunas is very interesting city. It’s very important to find the right direction and individuality of the city which would be interesting. Excursions about the architecture of interwar period are very popular among city residents too, because it helps to rediscover Kaunas city and its legends”, – said Mr. Simonas Kairys, Deputy Mayor of Kaunas City.
“The label of UNESCO Design City opens wide opportunities and allows introducing the city in the worldwide context. Excursion “Kaunas City of Design” will show not only the details of exterior which are seen from the outside, but will welcome to step inside the buildings” – said Mr. Sigitas Sidaravičius, Director of Kaunas City Tourism Centre.
During the excursion “Kaunas City of Design” there will be an opportunity to visit the objects which belong to the interwar period. Moreover guides will open the doors of privet homes which have unique interiors and will show how the ordinary residents live.