Employees of Kaunas Educational Institutions are Invited to Register for COVID-19 Vaccinations

As the pace of COVID-19 vaccination in Lithuania accelerates, the list of priority groups is adjusted and supplemented accordingly. In order to return as soon as possible to the normal process of educating children, educators started to be vaccinating throughout the country. Among them, preference is given to those who have direct contact with the pupils during quarantine.

Since the beginning of vaccination in Kaunas, almost 9.8 thousand people have been vaccinated. The first to be vaccinated were medics working directly with COVID-19 patients, those who are working in hospitals, mobile checkpoints, fever clinics and mobile teams.

Social workers, laboratory workers, NVSC specialists, nursing hospital staff and patients, care institutions workers and residents already received vaccines. While last week vaccines were received by personal health care workers and dentists. Pharmacists are currently being vaccinated.

Next in line are the employees of educational institutions. This group includes educators who have direct contact with students and those who will have direct contact after the resumption of school work. Particular attention will be paid to specialists of nursery schools, pre-schools, primary schools and special needs education professionals.

Such solution will help ensure safety of teachers and students and will allow a faster return to normal rhythm by organizing direct contact education in schools.

Before vaccination, Kaunas educators have the opportunity to register for rapid serological antibody tests, which show whether the human body has or has not developed immunity to COVID-19 disease. Teachers who test negative for the test (meaning that there is no immunity to the virus yet) can register for the vaccine.

In order to make these procedures faster and simpler, it is possible to register for both serological tests and vaccination online on a special platform sveikas.kaunas.lt  

Completed forms with relevant data and lists of persons wishing to be vaccinated must be submitted by one employee of the institution when connecting to the system via the electronic government gateway. Registered persons will receive SMS messages with the registration number and all necessary information about the place, date and time of vaccination.

Priority group persons, who have tested and are antibody-free and have expressed a wish to be vaccinated, are listed without further registration for vaccination.

For more information about coronavirus statistics and the situation in Kaunas please visit svarbu.kaunas.lt