„Continental“ begins to build first factory in Lithuania

Paskelbta: 2018-07-24 (Tuesday)
„Continental“ continues to expand its work in Europe. 20th July 2018 marks as the start of company‘s factory construction in Lithuania. Electronic component production is set to start in the second half of 2019.
In a new factory long range radar detection devices for automatic braking systems will be built as well as adaptive speed sustainment system sensors and other advanced gadgets for cars.
In 5 upcoming years it is planned to invest 95 million euros to the factory and create 1000 new workplaces. The company has already started the process of hiring specialists focusing on areas which are related with production: industry engineering, logistics, production operations.
„Construction of our first factory in Lithuania is an important part of strategic development plan in Europe“ said Helmut Matschi, „Continental“ management board member.
„Lithuania has been putting efforts for a while to attract the producers of advanced electronic parts of autos. Even with the abilities to offer everything needed for the companies of this industry, Lithuania wouldn‘t make the lists of investors due to small size of the market and distances to auto producers. „Continental“ is one of the first companies which have noticed a potential of our country and its establishment here is one of the crucial factors which has put Lithuania on the map of this industry. Since producers of car components execute most of the foreign direct investment projects in Europe, many new opportunities arise for Lithuania“ – said minister of Economy of the Republic of Lithuania, Virginijus Sinkevičius.
Modern factory in a well-known industry region
New factory will be built in Kaunas free economic zone and will take an area of 22.000 square meters. While building the factory, modular construction technologies will be use so in future there will be an opportunity for the building to expand if needed.
Workers of the company will have access to 360 square meter sports center and relaxation zone with benches and natural pond
Director of „Continental“ factory in Kaunas Shayan Ali claimed that „Continental“ chose Kaunas for the following reasons: „Firstly Kaunas is the main industry, electronic and automation producing center in Lithuania. In addition, in this modern region there are plenty of highly qualified specialists – currently 47 thousands of students of whom around 10% study electronic engineering. Because of this Kaunas seemed like a perfect location for our new factory” said S. Ali.