Booster dose of Covid-19 vaccine now available for all adults

Paskelbta: 2021-10-21 (Thursday)
Starting Tuesday, on October 19, residents over 18 years of age who were vaccinated against COVID-19 earlier than 180 days ago are invited to boost their immunity with another dose of the vaccine. This decision was made taking into account the duration of vaccine immunity studies, the recommendations of the European Medicines Agency and Lithuanian experts.
You can register for the booster dose of the vaccine online at or by calling hotline’s short telephone number 1808. Vaccination is also possible in private health care institutions in Kaunas.
Currently, vaccination points are located in these districts of Kaunas: Centre, Eiguliai, Žaliakalnis, Dainava, Šilainiai, Panemunė, Vilijampolė and Gričiupis. Opening hours, contact numbers and other relevant information of all vaccination points are published and constantly updated here:
People vaccinated with ‘Comirnaty’, ‘Spikevax’ or ‘Vaxzevria’ should only be revaccinated with ‘Comirnaty’, and those vaccinated with ‘Janssen’ may choose ‘Janssen’ or ‘Comirnaty’ for the booster dose.
Patients 12 years of age and older, with chronic immunosuppressive disorders or who are being treated with immunosuppressive agents, can get a booster dose of ‘Comirnaty’ earlier, i.e. at least 28 days after the latest dose of vaccine against COVID-19.
More data are currently awaited on the use of ‘Spikevax’ vaccine for booster vaccination and conclusions on the manufacturer’s proposal to use only half of the active substance in the usual dose of the vaccine for the booster dose.
SAM Press Centre Information