Ambassador of Israel thinks that Kaunas is famous for its culture and delicious food

Paskelbta: 2016-03-10 (Thursday)
,,Kaunas city associates with jazz, doughnuts and operettas for me. This city is very close to me, so I visit Kaunas very often. One weekend, I just spontaneously arrived from Vilnius to Kaunas for the famous doughnuts at the doughnut shop ,,Spurginė“. They are the best doughnuts in whole Lithuania! Kaunas is famous for its culture and delicious food“, – said H. E. Mr. Amir Maimon, Ambassador of Israel.
,,We have close relations in culture and business spheres. We appreciate that Kaunas City authorities take a good care of the Jewish heritage protection“, – said H. E. Mr.Amir Maimon.