After the premiere of “Aura” performance – Japanese choreographer autograph

Paskelbta: 2015-12-10 (Thursday)
For three days, the historical Lithuania Republic Presidential Palace in Kaunas will be home of dance. This untraditional space choreographer Kenzo Kusuda from Japan, together with the international Kaunas dance theatre troupe “Aura” selected to present their new creation.
While participating in International dance festival “Aura 25” which was held in Kaunas, K. Kusuda was astonished by public in Presidential palace while dancing his solo performance. This time in a historical space, audience are inviting to watch “Aura” troupe dancer’s performance named “Pneu Pneu Pneu”.
The nearest Lithuanian word to the name of performance – “breathing”. Choreographer believes that breathing unites us with past generations. He thinks that we are immortal and our ancestry is integral part of ourselves.
“This performance – is like tribute to the historical building, also to the people who are already gone and of course, to the ones who will come and see the performance. Because our ancestry is alive in ourselves, they breathe through us. There is no past or future, it is just here and now”. – Kenzo Kusuda said.
Kaunas dance theatre „Aura“
Premiere „Pneu Pneu Pneu“
December 10th (Thursday), 18 PM, the historical LR Presidential Palace, Vilniaus st. 33, Kaunas;
December 13th (Sunday), 13 PM, the historical LR Presidential Palace, Vilniaus st. 33, Kaunas;
December 15th (Tuesday), 18 PM, the historical LR Presidential Palace, Vilniaus st. 33, Kaunas.
Choreography – Kenzo Kusuda (Japan/Netherlands)
Music – Patris Židelevičius (cello)
Performers: Oksana Griaznova , Gintarė Marija Ščavinskaitė, Ema Nedobežkina, Laura Witzleben (Germany), Paulius Prievelis, Niels Claes (Belgium), Haruka Suzuki (Japan), Love Hellgren (Sweden), Omer Lavie (Israel), Niels Claes (Belgium), Kyrie Oda (Japan).
Costumes: Kenzo Kusuda, Židrija Janušaitė
Length – 60 min
Project partner – the historical Lithuanian Republic Presidential Palace in Kaunas.
Tickets distributed by Kaunas dance theatre “Aura”