After a phenomenal successes of the movie about Ch. Sugihara tourists from Japan surged to Kaunas

Paskelbta: 2015-12-16 (Wednesday)
The notoriety about Kaunas is constantly growing in distant Japan. In the beginning of December there was held a premiere of the movie about Chiune Sugihara Persona Non Grata. The event for sure made its part on the doubled amount of Japanese tourists in Kaunas city.
According to Lithuanian ambassador in Japan Egidijus Meilūnas, at the moment the movie is being showed at more than 300 cinemas and has a huge popularity. Moreover, the TV’s in Japan are at the moment really occupied on making shows dedicated for the movie, where also Lithuania is being mentioned and the views of Kaunas city are being showed, people at public places are also being given fliers about the city, so Kaunas is really on the top of the attention.
Meanwhile, the number of Japanese coming to Kaunas still keeps on growing. According to the data of Kaunas Tourism Information Centre the amount of tourists from particularly this country was already double this year. They are interested in the home museum of Ch. Sugihara, the IX fort, Kaunas old town and the souvenirs made from linen and amber.
The fliers in Japanese language are available online at the Kaunas municipality website (