Long-awaited changes in important location at Kaunas City: station market is getting a new look

Paskelbta: 2021-11-19 (Friday)
The station market is not only a marketplace, but also like a gate to Kaunas City, since it is the first object to be seen by the city guests arriving by train. During the last half of year this location was significantly renovated and that is only part of the changes yet to come. The location which had lost its appeal long ago was restored the representative appearance and functionality: the facade, trading place and the covering of the territory were renovated. Architectural competition for the marketplace hall is currently ongoing, the outcomes of which will tell, what contemporary and attractive trading place it will turn to in the future.
The city is keeping the promise
Without waiting for the results of the architectural competition, various works were commenced within the territory during the last half of the year. Old kiosks were demolished. The shackled wooden houses did not only deteriorate the general aesthetic view of the surroundings of the railway station from M. K. Čiurlionio Street, but also did not meet the needs of the traders and visitors.
“For a long time, the station market, which is visited by many, has not really decorated our city and in time it has completely lost its attractiveness. The market has been at this location for a long time and will remain here, nevertheless, it would be great to see it modern and cosy for both Kaunas residents and visitors of the city. Moreover, the traders themselves will have more comfortable working conditions.
A year ago Kaunas city took over the administration of the station market charges, and now we are keeping the promise to revive it to a new life”, stated the Mayor of Kaunas City Visvaldas Matijošaitis.
Taking into consideration the needs of the traders
The crumbled and pitted old pavement of the marketplace with lots of puddles is now history. The entire outdoor area has been arranged, new marketing places have been installed. The territory was covered with concrete tiles, occupying the area of 3465 square meters. The market was surrounded by a new fence.
The complete renovation works also affected the rainwater drainage systems – they were essentially renovated and concrete wells were installed. High-quality lighting was also installed, and the new facade was decorated with signs for the main entrance. People with reduced mobility now enter the marketplace by convenient ramps.
Managing the station market area in an integrated manner, the infrastructure necessary for the traders was not forgotten either. A spacious roof-pavilion has been installed, modern container-type trade places have been built, which can accommodate up to 12 traders.
The goal is to meet the needs of the people working here by installing the necessary sanitary facilities, water taps for watering flowers and other amenities.
More changes in the future
An architectural competition for the station market is currently taking place. Till the end of this year it is expected to receive the proposals for the look of the market in the nearest future after the construction of the main hall-type market building.
Based on the best ideas of professionals, the market is planned to be completely renovated in order to make this place aesthetic, comfortable and neat.
“The station market most definitely deserves proper attention. The initial tasks have already been completed, namely, the further renovation of this space has been commenced. When administering the collected charges, we witness how attractive this place is to merchants and, at the same time, to visitors. It is expected that after completing the modernization of the entire area, the number of traders working at the market will further increase and their working conditions will be improved significantly” stated Justas Limanauskas, the head of the budgetary institution “Parkavimas Kaune” responsible for the administration of collected market charges.
The design of the new marketplace, the preparation of the technical design and other necessary procedures are expected to take up to a couple of years. Since Kaunas became an important part of railway transport project “Rail Baltica”, this space within the city centre will gain even more significance.
Information provided by Public Relations Division