“Kaunas Hanseatic Days 2018”: Green and white city festival

The Kaunas Hanseatic Days, which has become an on-going tradition in Kaunas, will soon provide the city with the colorful, multi-day celebration. This year, Kaunas will be in green and white – the colors of “Žalgiris” basketball team, which in that time will appear in the final Euro league battles.

For the second decade, Kaunas residents and guests will be invited to the event on May 18-20th.

“For three days, Kaunas Old Town will be full of light, music and medieval hanseatic day’s environment. We are joking that in those days’ ambassadors of good mood from all over Lithuania will immigrate to Kaunas for some time. Organizational concerns are quite severe, but we dare to say that people will see and experience what is seen in the major festivals of the biggest Europe’s capitals,” – stated, in the intriguing message to the audience, director of the event Tomas Erbräder.

Knights will saddle the horses

Everyone will be able to choose entertainment according to their desires, ages and hobbies. The Kaunas Castle District traditionally will become the noisy medieval city with knight and rider camps, schools, tournaments, games and crafts. This year’s new entertainment is the international saddled knights tournament on Sunday in the Kaunas Castle from Papilio street side.

Early Friday morning, Kaunas will be woken up and the event will be announced by the festival “Pipe for Kaunas”.

Other events will be located throughout the Old Town and will be filled with the sounds of rock, techno, popular, orchestral and choral music, which will be accompanied by impressive pictures and decorations. The entire music of the event ranges from classics, medieval sounds to ultra-modern electronics.

Music for everyone’s taste

The main stage of the festival in the Kaunas Castle will be played by the royal guests from Great Britain, “Killer Queen”, performing “Queen” songs and guests from Sweden, “Arrival from Sweden”. Together with the legendary “Abba” musicians – Finn Sjoberg (guitar) and Roger Palm (drums) –  will not only play Kaunas best songs of the band, but also will give Kaunas an authentic screenplay.

They will not be the only foreign guests. In the Town Hall Square where the youth will be dominating, the best electronic music, exclusive live performances will be played; it will all be hosted by German artist “DJ SASH”! the terrific artist who plays in the clubs all over the world, as well as our neighbors Latvians “3Live Project”, and the popular artist of our own country Beatrich, Kaia and other stars. They will be playing on Friday and Saturday, where the parties will continue until early mornings, and the afternoons will be filled by the best street dancers from all over Europe battles.

Fans of Lithuanian music will not be left out either. The legendary group “Rondo” will play on the stage, alongside the best Lithuanian jazz-orchestra in Kaunas together with Povilas Meškėla who will bring back Stasys Povilaitis’ best songs.

Two colors – green and white

According to the organizers of the event, all locations and people of the festival will be combined by these two colors into an indivisible whole. At the Hanseatic Days, green and white will dominate in various forms and shapes. Walls, illuminating pillows, balconies and even t-shirts will be decorated by these colors. The colors of “Žalgiris” will also dominate in fractal drawings on “Vilnius” Street.

“All this will give a futuristic impression both day and night, and will be further enhanced by special lighting and DJs. They will be located in the most unexpected places. We believe that the guests of the Kaunas and the festival will surrender for green-white, as well as waiters and bartenders of cafes and restaurants in Kaunas old town,” said T. Erbräder.

On Friday and on Saturday evenings in the historic Presidential Hall of the Republic of Lithuania, pre-registered citizens will attend a green-white dinner. They will also be invited to dress up the color of the respective colors. The green-white accents will “shine” throughout the tables and the whole environment. Dinner participants will have a specifically prepared menu and an evening program.

From attractions to fire mystery

“Santakos” Park will become a family zone where amusement parks and trampoline parks, various educational events, shows and activities will take place. Those who do not like to return from the event empty handed, will be able to spend money at the fairgrounds, the fair, design pavilions, and those who are interested in trips will be invited to go to Turizmas street.

On Friday and on Sunday evenings, amphitheater at the Kaunas Castle and Town Hall Square will be full with basketball fans. It is planned to display Kaunas “Žalgiris” battles in the final quarter of the Euro league on the big screens.

On Saturday, the streets of the Old Town will be filled with the powerful motorcycles of the Bike Show Millennium 2018. Related water motorcycles will run throughout Nemunas river near the bridge of Aleksotas (Vytautas Magnus).

The Saturday evening’s main accent will be fire and music mystery at the junction of “Nemunas” and “Neris” rivers, where the straw sculptures created specifically for this occasion by the artists will be burned. As they become alive with flames, they will come together as one with music and fireworks.

Even more surprises and information will be released in the near future. But even now, Kaunas residents and city guests should begin to plan how they want to spend the weekend on May 18-20th celebrating together with all citizens of Kaunas.